Thought this place seemed cool. I’m tired of social media lol  been drawing digitally like 13 years now I think    [Image: 6379371_1627094_stinkychan_elden-rig.27e...1737245167][Image: 6379379_1627103_stinkychan_untitled-6379...1737245329]Here’s a link to my new grounds btw
Heya, welcome. This place is mostly dead, but it is a place.
Start up a sketchbook and you'll get a few ass patting comments, some autism and perhaps some valid crits that may help. It's a quirky kinda graveyard

Hey welcome I just joined too, wasn't expecting to find some fanart of the SuperMega boys on one of the first threads I opened, looks great. Hope this place is the social media refuge we're looking for!
Thanks for the welcome. Mostly excited for valid criticism to be honest lol.

Also I love the funny brothers. Someone on twitter asked if it was ai and that was the first time I ever got asked that I was sort of flattered lol. It’s funny
That's rough, I hear that ever since twitter got flooded with AI that people have been over correcting brigading against actual artists too, sorry that happened.

I think you did a great job on the sheen of Ryan's armor and the texture of the chain mail! My only major critism would probably be the shape of Matt's helmet, mostly the neck part doesn't really read as a rounded shape, more like a flat "u" tacked on front, but overall I enjoy the stylization of the whole piece
holy shit is that matthew watson and ryan mcgee from supermega!?!?!?

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