While I am at the music flyers I'll throw in an ancient one (2013?) that actually wasn't realized but that I liked and then there's some drawings from these days

[Image: XmVoA2c.jpg]
[Image: sYMIEBn.jpg]
[Image: PFIMb5Y.jpg]
[Image: YTpqfhQ.jpg]
[Image: j8vsVPK.jpg]
[Image: 28IILaX.jpg]
[Image: 7ENPGOj.jpg]
[Image: UlSRo6X.jpg]
[Image: nzEIGpW.jpg]

Love this. It's reminding me of children's book collage meet Lovecraft.
Dominicque speaking of Lovecraft, I did this Call of Cthulhu tiny comics. Published in english by the latvian Kus! ( https://kushkomikss.ecrater.com/p/261186...-lovecraft ), but here are some preview pages in czech language.

[Image: DhK5MSy.jpg]
[Image: XBSWWKI.jpg]
[Image: HVZtPM2.jpg]
[Image: mFl4Vb0.jpg]
[Image: 26PBxxE.jpg]
[Image: Db7nPQz.jpg]
[Image: BDeEaFk.jpg]
[Image: MdHL9Sh.jpg]

Wow I love this. The art style is really unique and fun. It's like in the manner of kind of crappy MS paint artwork, but done in an artful and intentional way. I love the design of the text as well.

Thanks JospehCow, it was literally that, old MsPaint, mouse and left hand. The handdrawn letters was major pain, especially when once I did that in czech (a Lovecraft comics was a school assignment originally), had to do once more in english for the publisher. Here are some actual sketchbook pages, mostly somewhat older medieval-inspired monster favourites.

[Image: zMzqXe9.jpg]
[Image: hJUELNZ.jpg]
[Image: CS8jiZh.jpg]
[Image: mbyDZZ0.jpg]
[Image: U7ymbxi.jpg]
[Image: yHB6xca.jpg]
[Image: m2y1udn.jpg]
[Image: hbqBFJE.jpg]
[Image: dXpPlMf.jpg][Image: 0Qqzm3n.jpg]
[Image: jhkUdEw.jpg]
[Image: aoI3iBG.jpg]
[Image: rGjuvkS.jpg]
[Image: 7pARmHK.jpg]
[Image: UE3YFMh.jpg]
[Image: X507e8T.jpg]
[Image: H7TdnX8.jpg]
[Image: uOJdYsE.jpg]
[Image: Stlkr57.jpg]
[Image: R1XO3Oq.jpg]
[Image: gI71239.jpg]
[Image: DN3eOQt.jpg]
[Image: dfXJLTN.jpg]
[Image: D5rJo5L.jpg]
[Image: DLZ2Cos.jpg]
[Image: l1osgaQ.jpg]

MsPaint again (rectangle tool ftw), portraits of drummers of Nissenenmondai and of Savages

[Image: SLPablL.jpg]
[Image: illPXBe.jpg]

and back to analogue sketchbooks, some fashions stuff after monsters

[Image: 5hGrSuK.jpg]
[Image: r6wq0Io.jpg]
[Image: 9404rlS.jpg]
[Image: QJEqjf5.jpg]
[Image: v4DKtAy.jpg]
[Image: 0JOBhSo.jpg]
[Image: L9MyDmb.jpg]
[Image: cKqqXSr.jpg]
[Image: FCW2nhi.jpg]
[Image: MDKme2t.jpg]
[Image: z2HUxc1.jpg]
[Image: ayDa65k.jpg]
[Image: Z7bxUbT.jpg]

[Image: noKnbk5.jpg%22]
[Image: oAc8rU9.jpg]
[Image: ACOM5XG.jpg%22]
[Image: LLeB6J0.jpg]

[Image: 698y2Zv.jpg]
[Image: VNH9suu.jpg]
[Image: I6Xw32s.jpg%22]
[Image: TKmKClk.jpg]

Really enjoy the variety of works you have in your sketchbook. Seems you have no problem freely expressing yourself.

To je nahoda! Just finished studying Czech at university. I agree with Joseph, it's very simplistic, but very charming. Thanks for the link! There is something very ancient and 'occult' like about your latest sketches. They leave a lasting impression. You should continue to push it.
[Image: Wh3k63Y.jpg]
[Image: B9k29IV.jpg]
[Image: 8z4FUnB.jpg]
[Image: coQgU95.jpg]
[Image: ezm10rP.jpg]
[Image: bQJrKui.jpg]

[Image: uqfr13s.gif]
[Image: tbSbM6E.gif]
[Image: S3hUDDQ.gif]
[Image: RyXDe7a.gif]

Dominicque To je nahoda! Byla jsi taky v Cesku?
one_two Expressing myself freely - I don't feel like I am quite there but working on it.
Thanks for comments!

[Image: qc64nfs.jpg]
[Image: hoUuBGC.jpg]
[Image: Tuq3CyK.jpg]
[Image: JfRhdOm.jpg]
[Image: AEl6Q7F.jpg]

Hello there i got an artist suggestion for you.If you that can interested you.It might lean more into the psychedelic art style but i think it as in the same time that in betweeendreamlike quality as some of your piece.So i think you could definitively draw inspiration from that.Is color are amazing also.

The artist name is skinner


My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
darktiste Love the genre but this guy, to me, doesn't look like anything distinctive, quite generic and derivative. If you are interested in this kind of stuff, I would suggest to learn about Mat Brinkman (ideally read his Multiforce) and about the Fort Thunder art group, Paper Rodeo etc, from around 2000s, that's pretty much where this came from.

[Image: iN8f5FI.jpg]
[Image: vsxK0t6.jpg]
[Image: g2veTNq.jpg]
[Image: t0WtfWs.jpg]

Unicorn impaled by elf


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