CGMythology's Sketchbook
I think i would tone down a bit of the lightning just to harmonize and not make it so staged.Also the lighting is very strange... why is light coming from the side if the sky imply a sunset or dusk... keep in mind this IS not a interior scene it doesn't let you cheat light as much as an interior scene would i can accept the excuse of two sun but without context it a bit hard to shallow.

For the rock i think you should have add more contrast between the light side and dark side it read flat.I think it also as something to do with the texture overidding the form in my opinio.Just look back at your progress timelapse and you can see how the form get progressively flatten by the effect.

I think the skin look nice but that look to flawless like a doll skin soft and a bit to shiny try to add imperfection scar and maybe a bit of touch of virility on the chest and arm of that guy.For the lady some beauty mark perhaps.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
darktiste:  Excellent input as always.  Great point about the lighting, and great suggestions for the figures as well.  You have a point about the rocks, they've indeed been flattened due to the texturing.  I revised the image based on all your  feedback, hopefully it works better now!


Made some tweaks to the image based on the feedback received, hopefully it's an improvement.  Please let me know!  Here is the current preview:

Time for a new illustration!  I'm back to 'fan art' mode, decided to draw Scorpion from the 'Mortal Kombat' series.  I'm sticking closely to his design in the upcoming game as well, and I feel I was fairly successful in capturing that design.  Below is the sketch, any input before I begin the painting process would be most appreciated!

Finished up the portrait, pretty pleased with it although I'll do my best to avoid symmetrical compositions in the future as I tend to overdo it I admit.  Below is a preview of the image, if something is majorly off please let me know as there's time to tweak it if necessary.  Also attached the steps for those interested - hope you dig it!

Time for a new image, this time a fan art of Spider-Woman.  The pose was referenced from one of Satine Zellah's reference packs, and I feel it's quite dynamic.  Tried to so something interesting with the environment as well, although it's probably the colors that will really bring this image to life.  Before I do get to that, any feedback on the current sketch would be highly appreciated, so please let me know if something looks off!

The new piece is looking cool I like the pose on the whole and I’m sure your rendering will make this one pop, couple things bothering me however. I would look at the foreground hand and arm relationship a bit more. Right now it kind of reads like she has a giant hand, as it doesn’t quite match the limited foreshortening in her arm. Also the hips and legs relationship are reading a little off at the minute. Perhaps this is exaggerated due them being obscured so my mind is trying to fill in the gaps and just can’t, but feel like they could use a little tweak. Without seeing your reference it’s tricky to know if this just an illusion. I’m not able to attempt a PO to show what I mean at the minute but thought I would point it out. Good luck with the piece.

CBinnsIllustration:  Thank you!  Great point about the hand, I shrunk it a bit so it looks more natural now.  Great point about the legs as well, reworked them significantly so hopefully it looks more natural now - please let me know!


Did some changes to the linework based on the feedback received, and painted in the flat colors.  If something appears off please feel free to let me know (I have the sketch on its own layer so I can update it easily before moving on to serious shading if necessary!).

The distance between the top of the window frame and the character are very small it like having almost no celling.... it doesn't make much sense with a bit of step back.I don't specially like the way the arm appear like that behind the body i would rather see a little more than not enough.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
I dig this pose. I'd like to see you push the way you handle hair to the next level. Your work is looking good, but the hair is currently your weakest link, IMO.

darktiste:  Are you referring to the building on the bottom left, the gray one?  Let me know if it looks more natural now with shading and detailing.  If not I might rework it.

ThereIsNoJustice:  Thanks!  Great point regarding the hair, I appreciate your honesty.  I'll try to handle that aspect with more care in the future for my illustration, I think I have a tendency to rush the hair a bit and it might show!


I resumed work on the image and it's pretty much done.  I'm open to feedback if something is majorly off, so please feel free to let me know.  Below is the current progress followed by the steps for those interested.

So here a few thing that was POV .Some blur effect for the foreground which is only really a repetition of what in the background as already more information and fill the visual formation for the viewer.Remove the detail of the window and darken the foreground so it not so light.You got already a have a contrast with the hand moving up toward the face(the hand is kinda weak if you want to use it as your entering point i would have a little more foreshorten there but the frame of the building help move the eye so it a great place to have the hand.Remember you can also create contrast with proportion big shape vs smalll shape that something comic us alot for dynamism.On some other note i try to dark a bit of the right bottom corner to bring some attention as to why there smoke i felt the hint of orange wasn't enough it hadd to be contrast a little more in term of value.I also adjusted the hue of the red to be more like the comic reference.

Hope you enjoy and feel inspired by a few of the change and feedback.

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Great productivity! Dig the latest one, maybe would go with a redder suit like the one darktiste proposed above.

darktiste:  Excellent input on everything as always.  I went ahead and did some final updates and tweaks based on your input, thanks again!

one_two:  Thanks!  Went ahead and did the color changes!


Some final tweaks on the image based on the input I received.  I'm calling this image done for now as I've already moved on to something else - thanks again to everyone who took the time to offer feedback as always! Here is the final image:

Next up I began work on a new sketch.  I wanted to explore an archer again as they're usually fun for me to draw, and I wanted emphasize the environment here as to ground the figure more.  I'm very pleased with the sketch, but any feedback before I begin work on some color tests would be greatly appreciated!

This one gonna hurt probably to fix.Here the problem she very off balanced according to the perspective view point.If you got any 3d model you can setup up in a 3d program i recommend trying to setup the mannequin in a similar pose and setting the camera to the same high and compare with what you have. The tiger also to me seem problematic because it ''clip'' inside the statue basically occupy the same space as of an other object in space unless the statue is carve on the verticale block but they don't seem to belong to the same block of stone if that the case 

there a tangente with the edge block and the base of the statue

Also i don't like how the monument come forward(i know it for the tiger posture) here why the leg of the character completely hide the edge of the ''cube that goes away from the arch which to me just create confusion at this stage when there is no value to separate or indicate a plane change which the edge would visually help us understand.

The weight should be felt on the left leg and the head should be allign vertically somewhat to the leg bearing the weight her torso is leaning to far away from the center mass in my opinion.I am not an expert on that aspect so if anyone read this and have better explanation or POV skill please feel free to add to this comment or provide a pov.

One last thing is that i would like to suggest adding more mountain peaking a bit in those empty corner the top right is very empty it could benefit from something being there i suggest some bird since it seem more like a peaceful serene vibe artwork so i think it would add a bit of movement to a very static scene where the space language is very anchor in square which contribute to the static.

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Darktiste:  Great feedback!  I did some changes to the sketch mainly dealing with the figure as well as perspective, hopefully it's improved now!


I went ahead and updated the sketch to fix some of the placement and perspective issues, hopefully the figure looks more grounded as well.  I did some quick color tests.  My favorite is 'F' simply because it gives off the vibe I'm looking for.  Additionally, I never used a palette like that so I thought it would be a fun challenge, so I'll be going with that!

I think the back foot need a little bit more angle toward that animal you don't atleast that what my quick side POV tell me.

.As for the color choose i would go with D.But here what i think you could do i would make the moutain much closer and much higher and you could throw them into a massive mist like it full of jungle.I would try to play more with that cat color aswell i know that white and black would be cool but it been done before so maybe instead of a cool cat you could make him almost invisible like etheral you would in that case make it mostly about is eye standing out against the background (a risky idea but an interesting one.For the ground i would break up those square to show that nature as taken her right back and make veins and moss overgrow to create a bit of movement across the ground.

Some small color change between the glove and the cloth would help readability in that part of the image

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
darktiste:  Great suggestions!  I went ahead and went with a bluish magical look for the tiger which works quite well with the figure I'd say.  Also altered the colors next to the glove to make it pop, thanks for that tip!


I finished up the illustration, although I'm open to updating the image should there be anything majorly off.  Below is the illustration followed by the steps for those interested.


Next up I started on a new image, 'Captain Marvel'.  Wanted to paint her since I saw the movie a few years ago.  I had a reference of a cosplay photo which was helpful for the general pose which you can view here, so I tried to stay true to that general pose while not being too slavish too it, I hope.  

Below is the sketch, any input would be greatly appreciated before I move on to some color tests!

Some of the vegetation is growing on the rock itself i think you need to add crack under those plant.The shadow side on the arch need a bit more texturing not alot.Also since you are using stamp brush try to break your brush a bit by erasing or adding to it else it noticeable.Also some of the tree look to transparent which is wierd not gonna lie so i think be careful with your brush opacity when you apply the stamp.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Dude the archer turned out great! I love the mood of this one and the color pallets is really appealing. Darktiste gave some great feedback on the opacity on the vegetation. But I think would have also liked a little more impact from the ethereal tiger lighting on the scene. I know the scene is in a lot of daylight and the impact may be unrealistic to overdue it but I think some rim lighting and some environment impact could look cool. My quick PO as a loose example of what I was thinking. Also one more screen/add layer to bump the highlights ( clothes wrinkles, armor etc…) just tad could help make her pop just a bit more. Again just my two cents, the piece looks great as is my dude. 

Oh and a last comment try to add more occlusion shadow between the block of the arch to make them look like they aren't one block with fake gap between them.You gotta hit those dark tone at the end because you seem to leave them sometime but it give that added attention to detail that make thing go from carboard look to showing understand of value.Look at the gap value of the gap between the rock they are the same value as to what you can find on the crack on the side of that rock that receving much more bounce light that the difference.A gap is much darker than a crack in general because crack are natural that mean 90 degre aren't very nature but gap are object sitting on top of an other the more the rock is carve smootly the smaller the gap between objec.A crack is like a bevel edge in a way will a gab can act as a mirror depending on the reflectivity and the gap distance the two object.So it really the distance gap between the two object and what object are around aswell as the direction of the light that affect how dark the gab will be.Here my guess is that the gap in the shadow need to be darker will those in the light could be a little darker

Also an other thing is you should be adding highlight to the edge of object that something you don't also seem to finish on everything maybe that intentional so those are extra mile you can go for if you want to upgrade your game to the next level but overall this can like said before contribute to thing look like cardboard cut out scene.

Also lastly the top block doesn't make sense it would not be supported at the middle block it not an arch structure it need to be one solid rectangle.Even the stoneedge monument take individualy is just 3 rock with one sitting on top

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.

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