CGMythology's Sketchbook
Hi everyone!  I decided to open a sketchbook to help me improve my skills.  I'll do my best to update this thread on a daily basis.  I'll be posting sketches, speedpaints, studies, etc.  Hope to have a lot of fun here while learning as well.  I appreciate any feedback I received as always!


Currently I'm working on a Fan Art image based on Batman V Superman.  I spent a lot of time on the sketch, I feel like the more work I put into the early sketching/drawing phase the easier the painting process will be since the shapes are essentially taken care of.  Below is the sketch followed by the current progress shot:

[Image: 0_zps7kxbpxhb.jpg]

[Image: 1_zpslyfwfg2d.jpg]

Worked on the image some more, still using hard edged brushes at this stage:

[Image: 3_zpsjfdsmjx3.jpg]

That's a really nice sketch. As for render I'd with a bit more defined lighting and add some rim light coming from background lightnings. I made a quick paintover for you. I hope that helps. Keep it up.

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(02-23-2016, 02:11 AM)Piotr Jasielski Wrote: That's a really nice sketch. As for render I'd with a bit more defined lighting and add some rim light coming from background lightnings. I made a quick paintover for you. I hope that helps. Keep it up.

Thanks Piotr for taking the time to do that, love your suggestion about the rim lighting.  I'll try to incorporate it by the next update!


Worked on the image some more, trying to push values as much as I possibly could to give it a rich feel:

[Image: 5_zpspzdohtvp.jpg]

Worked on the image more, lightened up the values a bit on the figures as they were a bit too dark for my taste. Still has a long way to go, but I think it's coming together:

[Image: 7_zps4hdbyl8d.jpg]

Current update, worked a lot on Wonder Woman and added rim lighting on all the figures:

[Image: 8_zps8sgbn5th.jpg]

Worked on the image some more; I created two different custom brushes, each specifically to handle the texture work on Batman and Superman. I wanted a more gritty feel to the image, so I added some dirt and such to all the figures. The image is almost done now, here is the current update:

[Image: 9_zpsbe0lwhej.jpg]

Just finished the final detailing on the piece, thanks to everyone for helping me out, very much appreciated!

[Image: batmanvsuperman_zpskv1fig9a.jpg]

Had some free time to do some studies, finally.  I focused mostly on the anatomy of the legs, still have to do many more to get a stronger grasp of the muscles a bit...  Focusing on linework at the moment, I find I get the best results when I slow things down when doing these studies, the results look better and I learn more so I'm going to put more emphasis on 'quality' rather than quantity.  With that said, I did find time to do a photo study as well, from a still from the 'Suicide Squad' trailer featuring Harley Quinn, a movie which I'm really looking forward to!

[Image: HarleyQuinn_zpsz7s4uefc.jpg]

[Image: Skull_zpsze0ixljp.jpg]
[Image: AnatomyFigure_zpscmpbvsin.jpg]
[Image: AnatomyLegs_zpstbyymh9v.jpg]
[Image: AnatomyBackLegs_zpsnkc992h6.jpg]
[Image: FrontLegs_zpszgfahh4r.jpg]
[Image: Feet_zpsxaizcsil.jpg]
[Image: Feet2_zpszbxllmpp.jpg]

Very cool stuff here. That texture on Batman's suit is really well done. I checked out your website too, awesome galleries in there. I'm inspired to work harder, so keep up the good work!
Hi there cgmythology! So nice to see you here! I used to visit your sketchbook on conceptart. :D
Nice work with the fan art, really clean lines and well defined shapes. Your anatomy studies have nice linework as well. Keep going!

Legion Brewer: Thank you, very much appreciate it!!

BlackDelphin: Thank you, nice to see you here as well! I'm putting a lot of effort into linework as of late, so I'm really glad to hear that!


Been very busy as of late, but I wanted to take some time to do a Fan Art piece based on Suicide Squad's 'Harley Quinn'. I worked on the linework a great deal, really wanted it to be very refined early as it makes things go much quicker during the painting process. Here is the sketch, basic colors to follow:

[Image: 0_zpsjwzyar5z.jpg]

Current update, blocked in all the base colors:

[Image: 4_zpszcqhfz1r.jpg]

Worked on the image some more, focused on lighting and form, trying to give it as much depth as possible at this stage:

[Image: 5_zpsd69qg7zp.jpg]


I recently had the chance to rework my previous 'Catwoman' illustration.  Among the changes are a lighter and far more detailed background, as well as detailing and reworking the eyes and the lips.  Also reworked the shape of the mask so it's a bit more 'cat-like' as well.  Overall I'm fairly pleased with how the image came out:

[Image: catwoman_zpsvuhxneoh.jpg]

Additionally,  I just started work on a new illustration, this time experimenting with a sci-fi theme.  Worked on the sketch for several hours, wanted to make sure I get that right as early as possible to ensure the painting process goes smoother:

[Image: 0_zpsdfvrfto4.jpg]

Feel free to let me know any input!

Began painting the image. I'm working with much lighter colors and values than I normally do, but I'm very pleased with how it's coming out, especially in regards to lighting:

[Image: 2_zpsuobproow.jpg]

More progress, still a long way to go but it's coming together, slowly but surely:

[Image: 3_zpszifkcxih.jpg]

Here's today's update:

[Image: 4_zpslvtagilz.jpg]

I altered the alien's anatomy a bit, hopefully it's much more natural now. I worked on the image a great deal since the last update, worked in a lot of details and pushed the values further, as well as added darker shades to give it a more believable feel. Here's the current update:

[Image: 10_zpspdndcyin.jpg]

I get the feeling the alien is thinking "My eyes are up here human"

Pretty nice piece. I think you could probably use more atmospheric perspective on that blue moon up there in the sky, feels a little out of place at the moment.

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