Nice work on this comp, I'd advise to avoid cutting the trees off where they hit the horizontal middle because it makes it very busy at the bottom and then everything just stops half way. Maybe have the trees come up higher than it's head? Or lower if you wanted the top to just be his antlers. Look forward to seeing more!
yeah i was thinking about doing the trees at same level of the horns but i wasn't sure i really need to do more comps D:
The second comp looks great!
It would look so much cooler if the animals were at the bottom and the heads were at the top, with the middle character towering over the other two at the top of the diamond composition guide.
Also having the two next to her with their backs facing hers will help with the diamond flow, like semi-over the shoulder poses.
Having the animals at the bottom also means you can add some front legs coming down and bending at the knees to follow the bottom sides of the diamond.
Hey Benjah, I gotta say, loving the 1st one most, nice simple silhouettes design, cool to see it go further!