Insbox's sketchbook
Hi, i am new here. My name is william would love to become an illustrator, currently attending course in concept design academy and its my first term here. I am still bad at my art, i hope i can improve and get feedback (critique will be awesome). most of my stuffs here will be my homework's and my sketches. hahaha other than that i wanna have fun and meet new people. nice to meet you all guys XD.

sorry for my english

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Some of my digital works

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master's study and life painting

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Nice lineworks. love those bugs!! got some ideas for studys I will try myself from your threath like the blackandwhite copying of paintings

(07-14-2015, 09:28 PM)Timur Wrote: Nice lineworks. love those bugs!! got some ideas for studys I will try myself from your threath like the blackandwhite copying of paintings

Thanks, i saw your sketchbook. love your line art. especially the skeleton, its really awesome.
Yeah doing master study is really fun and so helpful. tell me once you finish with the painting. i love to see other people's art.  Thumbs_up

Hey man welcome aboard, seems you already are know what's up. So keep on posting/hustling :D
(07-14-2015, 11:05 PM)Zearthus Wrote: Hey man welcome aboard, seems you already are know what's up. So keep on posting/hustling :D

Hi zearthus, thanks man. haha i think i will post a lot of my school homework :D

Hi, these are study i did using some photos and some people works as references.
haha and sorry for my bad handwriting XD
feel free to give critique and comment, really appreciate it

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some random sketches and homework that i did for school :)
there's a lot of weird drawing. i don;t know what am i doing @_@

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another paintings

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another of my random sketches

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For the first picture, is he jumping, floating or grounded? If he's jumping, you might want to indicate that in his gesture, if he's floating you might want to relax his joints a bit more, etc.. For the second one, try pushing the values more.

Besides that, loving your sketchbook. Great thumbs, and I'm loving those faces (which I'm assuming is charcoal?)

EDIT: my god you're pumping this stuff out fast
(07-16-2015, 10:14 PM)Vornag Wrote: For the first picture, is he jumping, floating or grounded? If he's jumping, you might want to indicate that in his gesture, if he's floating you might want to relax his joints a bit more, etc.. For the second one, try pushing the values more.

Besides that, loving your sketchbook. Great thumbs, and I'm loving those faces (which I'm assuming is charcoal?)

EDIT: my god you're pumping this stuff out fast

Thanks a lot, i never really think about the joint. it should be floating, haha but there's nothing indicate that i guess. haha i think that's true i should put more value.
yup it's charcoal. thanks for the praise 

haha i just posted some of my old works (lol i might look diligent but i am not :P)

Hello William!
Welcome to daggers, good to have you. Animal skeletons looks sweet.

(07-17-2015, 05:09 AM)crackedskull Wrote: Hello William!
Welcome to daggers, good to have you. Animal skeletons looks sweet.

Hi, thanks for the welcome and also for liking my stuffs ^^

another sketches. sorry for blurry image (don't have scanner T_T)
feel free to give critique and comment really appreciate it :D
(edited the images because its too blurry still blurry but i hope its better haha)

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another homework for analytical figure drawing. I really don;t like the pic that has only 1 figure.
it will be awesome if i can get critique or comment on it or others stuffs
Thanks XD

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just want upload this sketch, its maybe looks normal or even bad but i feel i am improving especially on my confidence on my line. eyeballing my room.
cheers XD

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animal study, dynamic sketching. its getting worse and worse @_@

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Hi good work there! you're working very smartly, and doing lots of good exercises i'm sure we will see you doing massive improvement if you get going like that! It's especially nice to see that you analyze well the masters painting and all! If you can,try to do lots of still life it's help a lot with understanding light and everything.

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