Legion Sketches
My first post here! This is a dragon and knight WIP. I think I'm ready to move to color. Any feedback is most welcome.

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Welcome to crimson daggers! as for the piece there is too much contrast, but overall not a bad painting, i would suggest looking into how local values work and how to light basic forms (cube,sphere etc.) study this things on their own so you don't need to deal with the variables, also drawing draw draw draw as much as you can. Looking forward to more!

Thanks for the welcome and suggestions! The contrast should be a fairly easy fix, I punched it up a bit with a levels layer, so I can knock it back, and reassess. I totally agree with your basics advice. I always try to work both, fundamentals and more finished pieces. Either way its a good reminder to get back to work. Thanks again!
I think local color was a very good tip!!
Right now you have everything background, figure, creature covering almost the same range of values.
That doesn't give a good read on the picture. So do use different local values while staying consistent with the lighting.

Zoom way until it's a thumbnail out and if someone who hasn't seen the pic before can instantly tell what's on it - that's a good read. :)

Photoshop CC2015 / MacBook Pro
Procreate / iPad Pro
My SB: nutriman's quest for awesomeness
(02-12-2016, 01:03 AM)nutriman Wrote: I think local color was a very good tip!!
Right now you have everything background, figure, creature covering almost the same range of values.
That doesn't give a good read on the picture. So do use different local values while staying consistent with the lighting.

Zoom way until it's a thumbnail out and if someone who hasn't seen the pic before can instantly tell what's on it - that's a good read. :)

Whoa, lightbulb just went on. So, essentially I should choose an appropriate value range for each element in the piece and light it according to the range in order to make a distinction between things. I'm not sure why this hasn't occurred to me yet, but thanks for reinforcing it. It went over my head in Hobitts post. Really happy I came here to post, learning things already.
(02-11-2016, 07:56 AM)Legion Brewer Wrote: My first post here! This is a dragon and knight WIP. I think I'm ready to move to color. Any feedback is most welcome.
like people's have mentioned 
you need to use full value range. your piece is good composition wise
but it's all mid tones
-separate the background from the subject
-dragon and the character will have different values
-don't go full white and full black
hope that helps

(02-12-2016, 12:07 PM)Legion Brewer Wrote: Whoa, lightbulb just went on. So, essentially I should choose an appropriate value range for each element in the piece and light it according to the range in order to make a distinction between things. I'm not sure why this hasn't occurred to me yet, but thanks for reinforcing it. It went over my head in Hobitts post. Really happy I came here to post, learning things already.

Exactly!! Glad I could help :)

Photoshop CC2015 / MacBook Pro
Procreate / iPad Pro
My SB: nutriman's quest for awesomeness
Black armor study.

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Some studies I did recently.

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I've started another workshop with Xia Taptara, and it's really fun despite it having just started. Here are some dwarf themed comps I've worked on so far.

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Nice studies overall, particularly enjoy your use of values... Compositions are quite strong as well!

(03-01-2016, 11:23 AM)cgmythology Wrote: Nice studies overall, particularly enjoy your use of values... Compositions are quite strong as well!

Thanks man, I appreciate that!
Did a helm study. 2 hours for this one.

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Looking good, you captured the material quite well I must say!

(03-02-2016, 11:41 PM)cgmythology Wrote: Looking good, you captured the material quite well I must say!

Thanks again!
Lute study today Working on some Bard comps, so he will be playing something like this. Another 2 hrs...
And some Necromancer comps. These still need some work.

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Female Skull Study, 2 hrs maybe a bit longer.

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Cool thumbnails you've got there! Some good compositions and imagination going on in there :)
Don't be afraid to go a little darker with the stuff in the foreground tho, in order to really push the values and the depth, like this one here by Feng Zhu https://s3.amazonaws.com/fengzhudesign/i...age_10.jpg

(03-07-2016, 09:08 AM)Adzerak Wrote: Cool thumbnails you've got there! Some good compositions and imagination going on in there :)
Don't be afraid to go a little darker with the stuff in the foreground tho, in order to really push the values and the depth, like this one here by Feng Zhu https://s3.amazonaws.com/fengzhudesign/i...age_10.jpg

Ah Feng Zhu, so awesome. Thanks for the praise and advice, I appreciate that. I was given value restrictions for the most recent comps I did, since its for a workshop, but either way I will keep that in mind. Thanks!
Part of this weeks homework. Some arctic cave and glacier studies, from photo reference. 1 hour for each. More coming soon!

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