Just Draw
Great stuff. Snail racer is really cool.
Cricketts - cheers mate :)

Had enough of concepts and studies, so today's illustration juicy fun -

[Image: thong-warriors2-rich4rt.jpg]

I've got my graduation project defence next week Monday, where I have to defend all of my choices against industry concept artists! Both exciting and terrifying at the same time lol. I also got my first freelance gig, and I just randomly found out I'm getting a feature in Digital Arts magazine, apparently my library piece came runner-up for image of the week :D

uh oh's nudity!! This was a self test sketch of today to see what I could do using only the imagination, turned out okay and shows some good flaws that I can go study -

[Image: anatomy-sketch-thing2-rich4rt.jpg]

So today I did some quick studies and started on the CHOW a sci-fi pinup -

[Image: anatomy-sketches2-rich4rt.jpg]

[Image: EDUpinup-wip1-rich4rt.jpg]

[Image: EDUpinup-wip2-rich4rt.jpg]

chow update, crits always welcomed :)

[Image: EDUpinup-wip5-rich4rt.jpg]

Sweet sketchbook rich! I'm loving that last piece, though would like to see a little more cast shadows on her boobs (especially that one resting on her helmet).
stace - thanks stace! Unfortunately I didn't get around to finishing her for CHOW. I think I should just make it for myself instead and finish it up, I'll definitely use your crit, thank you :)

So A LOT has been going on since my last post. Firstly, I passed my graduation exam, I'm finally done with school!!! Now the real work begins lol! My family all came over, and had a blast. I then went to Disneyland to unwind...on rollercoasters lol. I also had a job interview that went really well, so fingers crossed. Other than that I've been keeping very busy with freelance work that unfortunately I can't show. So here's a few things I managed to get done around hectic life.

Here's a fantasy themed mockup coaster that had to be done in a certain style etc.

[Image: Dragon-Quest-rollercoaster-rich4rt.jpg]

A fun sketch from earlier today -

[Image: justice-league-rich4rt.jpg]

nice coaster!

thanks kidult!

Ahhhh been playing guildwars 2 all day! LOVE IT! After a while I was crazy inspired to paint fantasy, might take this 'ambush' further, get to the choppah! -

[Image: Ambush-wip1-rich4rt.jpg]


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