Ka-Pow!! A Comic Study Group
[Image: Ka-Pow-logo-Halftone-SMALL.png]

Ka-Pow!! is a comic study group, where we will be focusing on telling stories through paneled, sequential drawings and paintings. It's open for everyone and anyone to join, and will serve the purpose of being able to focus on sequential art of all kinds and getting feedback for it. Try to contribute if you plan on posting your work for critique, and trying to give back twice what you receive to make the group active and helpful.

As of right now the focus of the group is to post any comic work you are doing and receive and give feedback, however if we want to do anything like challenges or specific studies we could, so feel free to post any suggestions.

[Image: tumblr_njyx44mEPP1qgyljxo1_400.png]
[Image: tumblr_njyx44mEPP1qgyljxo2_400.png]
[Image: tumblr_njyx44mEPP1qgyljxo3_500.png]
[Image: tumblr_njyx44mEPP1qgyljxo4_500.png]

So let's make this group a good one and work hard and head each other while learning this crazy and confusing medium!

Yay!! Okay, so, I'm gonna share my (now defunct/but a newer version is in the works) webcomic, entitled "Strange Journey". I was really excited when I started... but my macbook died and took my workfiles/script with. I haven't abandoned the world I made with it for a long shot, but I definitely am going to start from scratch. Here's the link: http://tapastic.com/series/strange-journey

Some panels -

The way I opened it - one of friends felt that it didn't give a reader a sense of what the comic was about, it didn't feel like a real prologue ^^'. Looking back, I agree with her. I really had no idea what I was doing.

Im playing around with a few ideas. Did a rough layout to get something going.

Attached Files Image(s)

I was going to start up a Comics Study Group here on Crimson Daggers but then I found this group - thanks for starting it up ZombieChinchilla :).

Over the past few years I have studied both the art side as well as the writing side of creating a comic but my comic project has been on a bit of a hiatus while I improve my art.

However, I recently decided that I could progress both things in parallel - just a bit more slowly :).

So here I am joining up - I'll be giving critiques as best I can and posting up my own stuff soon.

Hopefully a bunch of us Daggers can together hone our skills at telling stories through sequential art :).

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

(12-29-2015, 07:52 AM)KJefferson Wrote: Yay!! Okay, so, I'm gonna share my (now defunct/but a newer version is in the works) webcomic, entitled "Strange Journey". I was really excited when I started... but my macbook died and took my workfiles/script with. I haven't abandoned the world I made with it for a long shot, but I definitely am going to start from scratch. Here's the link: http://tapastic.com/series/strange-journey

Some panels -

The way I opened it - one of friends felt that it didn't give a reader a sense of what the comic was about, it didn't feel like a real prologue ^^'. Looking back, I agree with her. I really had no idea what I was doing.

Hi there KJefferson, I realise that you're starting again but I thought I'd share a few thoughts in case they're of use to you.

From reading your Tapastic link - I get that your prologue consists of an all knowing narrator, asking the reader what they think about when they hear the words "Tell me a story" and then you present them with some different kinds of stories.  One thing to be aware of when you use caption text - if it has quotes around it then it is generally accepted as being text that is spoken by someone not on screen.  If it doesn't have quotes then it is text from an omniscient narrator.

Please checkout this link if you need more info:


You then present the first couple of panels of a story.  One thing I noticed is that there is no text in these panels - be careful about starting a comic with no text since you are missing an opportunity to reveal information to the reader.  There is a note from you in the Tapastic comments section that says "And now it is morning in our fair desert kingdom ..." I suggest you put this into the actual comic panels rather than as a comment below.  If you ever wanted to transfer this to physical print - you would lose these comments since they are not actually part of your comic.

I like your panel layout and the size of your text as they look like they would work well for mobile devices as well as computer monitors.  According to the following Tapastic article, 6 out of 10 readers will be reading your Tapastic comic on a mobile device:


Hope this all helps - and good luck with your re-write :).

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

Reawakening the dead thread!

Hello everyone! I’m a girl-person working on a comic, using it as a sort of “practice everything” project. I want to get better at composition, visual storytelling, illustration, drawing, and all sorts of things! Mirage, my comic, is supposed to help with that.

I used to devour manga like a starved hyena, and then I majored in English, so I have a weird kind of pseudo knowledge that might be helpful for things? I hope so, at least!

So… if anyone has a comic story idea, I might be able to help! I’m kind of an editor (kind of because I also do HTML editing as a job). For technical writing mostly but… I write fiction too! I’ve also been a part of a few online and in-person writers groups and picked up some skills from those, though I don’t know how useful they would be lol (mostly it was slightly miserly writers chewing on newbies like beef jerky).

But yus! If you have a summary of your comic, hit me! :D

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Yes! Re-awakened! Nice one Arapersonica :).

I'm up for helping, supporting and critiquing and will also post some of my own stuff soon.

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

Hi everyone. 

I'm new to the forum, altough I've always guest visited it. I decided to make an account and as I am studying writing and  drawing comics I wonder if this thread is alive?

If not, is there a better way to post comic content? 

Thanks in advance and I'm sorry if I did something wrong here.
Welcome Gabs :)

Yeah go ahead and post up some content, I watch out for updates to this thread and will try to give useful critique if I can.

My internet access is limited this week but I will be back in action next week.

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

Nice to see this thread still kicking. :)

For those of you who don't know, I'm currently a senior in college and for my thesis project I actually did 12 pages of comics. I've been posting WIPs in the critique section but they're almost done and I'd love to share them here with you here. I'm also already thinking of the next comic idea I have and I think I'm gonna take an old side character I've had for a while and make a comic about her backstory. I might make a deathline thread for it, we'll see.

I'd love to make this thread more active! Do we want to do any challenges, or anything else to spark interest?

Hey everyone! :) I enjoyed reading all your intros--nice to meet you!

Last fall I took a comics class at Kadenze, and made a few shitty comics while learning a lot and having fun. I'd love to do more! Like @Artloader and @Arapersonica, I think it would be worthwhile to practice storytelling while improving my art.

So, challenge idea: The Famous Artists Cartoon Course Basically, read the link, but it's an old textbook written by pros in the 1950s that has 18 lessons and assignments to get students started making comics. It would be really fun and motivating to work through this course with some people. If this group isn't the place for it, I'll still join in here to crit and post project-based stuff, but maybe start an additional group around this challenge as well (providing there are others interested). It is more of a beginner-oriented course, which might not be the direction this group wants to go.

@ZombieChinchilla I'm looking forward to seeing your thesis project! Let me know what you think of the Famous Artists Cartoon Course idea.

Hi there Auroraborealis, nice to meet you too :).

That comics class looks pretty good and I would be up for a comics challenge - although I am guilty of spreading myself too thinly at the moment so my progress would be very slow on my part but don't let that stop you from taking up the challenge and posting in here.

Looking forward to seeing some of your work :).

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

Hello again, a year later. XD

So I didn’t start posting FACC stuff here partly because I was a bit awkward to post alone, and parlty because I ended up working on other stuff. HOWEVER, I am now planning to work through FACC, starting May 17th, with a group of artists on a private discord server. The goal is to do a lesson a week (there are 18 lessons total), and post assignments on weekends.

If anyone here is interested in joining, PM me and I’ll send you an invite. :)


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