Ass Kick
not bad!!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Lol thank youuu Fedodika <3 Today some Anatomy, a character doodle, a figure study(learned quite a bit with this one what really surprised me) and firgures from imagination. They are amazing practice and so much fun!
 Fuck it's 2am and I have to work today haha

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Sorry for being so inactive the last days. I have been figuring some stuff out and met up with some friends which was really nice. But now I'm back with full force! 

Some stuff, egg studies, anatomy and repetition and a doodle that I did wihle being pissed off at the german train system. I think you can see that haha xd

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This day some anatomy, some figure studies, some from imagination and a crappy face. Sucks 
I'm probably not going to post much tomorrow cause Ill be going to a greenday concert yay! Well I'm still trying to get as much done as possible

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Totally failed drrawing his symbol so I just left it away... bleh

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Today, after looking at cusharts anatomy studies I realized I need to focus much more on the actual structure of things. So I did some digital figures from imagination and from reference. Trying to unterstand the movements. And it was really fun. I am super happy that I enjoy drawing with this method so much. I actually have the feeling of learning something for once. Then a small face doodle and 2 sketches.

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Oooh nice! I can definitely see something going on here! The character studies are getting better every time!

Really nice studies and crosshatching technique. I really enjoy your work so far!

So you went by my SB (thanks btw :D )

so I checked you out and now I feel like a lazy asshole :<

amazing work on all those studies <3
Thank you SweatiestDegree (nice username btw xd) And dont feel bad just keep pushing! Lets get amazing together. Oh and please I always feel like a lazy derp when i look at algenpfelgers or dave rapozas sketchbooks haha
Thanks for the kind words and motivation alexdanila <3
Yaaass gregrkari tahnk youu! I had so much fun with those. 

Sadly none of those today. I decided to do some faces today so here is a study from krenz cushart(*.*), a sucky face study and a face from imagination (wtf that neck is huge haha). I suck at painintg and digital in general so i decided to do more of my studies and drawings that way. Im really slow right now but I think it will pay off in the end. I also did some doodles on the train to work but was too lazy to scan them \o.o/

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Oh man, Dave's Sketchbook is the stuff of pure legend that guy is made of pure determination tbh.
Wow! You have an inspiring sketchbook :) Your pencil work and anatomy studies are badass!

Hey beautiful sketchbook you've got here! I like the way you stylize the faces, and your self portraits have so much character! I just love them :--)
Idk if you do it on purpose or not, but often you make the head too big, so maybe studying them proportions a bit closer would be useful ;;;;;) cheers
Wahh so many comments *.*

SweatiestDegree Yeah he is a beast. I always have his or algenpflegers sketchbook open when Im drawing, so i can see that i am not doing nearly enough. It keeps me from being content with myself. 
Axrel Aww thank you so much <3 I do my best 
Vennsomn Thanks for the tip with my heads I never realized that until now. I have to pay more attention to that. Haha you are the first one telling me something positive about my faces so thanks but I have so many problems with them its crazy. I'll get better though I promise

Today some figures again cause its so much fun :3 One page is from imagination and one from reference. Then a digi portrait study. Nearly fell asleep while doing it cause I havent had that much sleep so its not finished. Hmmm i really need to finish my stuff more. A sketch page while riding the train to work. Next page is probably coming tomorrow. And a bit of anatomy. The digital one is from head and the traditional one from bammes. Done with talking for today haha

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Nice! Just wondering, but how many hours a day do you spend on studies?

Damn that anatomy page from imagination is real nice, you nailed those angles quite accurately. (It's probably bc of bammes.... Wish I could understand german)..I'm loving that last portrait study too, shows how good u are at brushstroke efficiency and values !!
The forms on those studies are damn sexy :O
Really diggin the gestures! ;)

Wow dude - great studies going on in here :). Also don't worry about speed - slow and steady wins the race and also allows you to enjoy the scenery :).

Keep it up - you're nailing it!

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

Thank you for all the replies. They pushed me today! 
Axrel First of all thanks and about how long mu studies are..hmm that depends. Those anatomy studies take about 1 to 1.5 hours per page. The portraits depend on how far i try to push them but about 30 min upwards. The traditional stuff goes easier for me cause im more used to the medium. They still take time when i draw much on one page. All in all i try to do as much as possible in one day cause I do a training, i have no idea if thats what its called in english, as a graphic person. You basically work for the company like a normal job only that they teach you stuff on the way and you get paid much less haha. You know pleasing my parents until there is a better option. Wow that was a pretty long answer haha hope i could help somehow :) 
Vennsomn Thank youuu and yeah bammes is great! I would translate it for you.. but then i would have time for drawing anymore haha xd oh and looking at cusharts method really helps too. He is just incredible. Nah... i need to work on mu strokes and my values much more. But one day they will be awesome
Nowio Thank you so much 
Artloader But... but i..i am not a dude. Haha just wanted  to get that out :P And thank you so much. I will keep pushing!

Today some faces from imagination that took foreveerr but i learned some stuff so i guess it was worth it. Then a portrait study and bammes. I have lots of stuff thats not fully done yet so ill post it later

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