Sam's Arty Things
30 min(ish) study using jonas' brushes

[Image: lanscapestudy.jpg]

That's a good list to work on! the best way to avoid using black is to stop using it..especially with landscapes, blacks kills all the life out of em.

I highly recommend shaddy's environment vids ( 8 parts)
as someone who cant paint landscapes for shit i learned a ton.
He's using brushes that don't rely too much on textures or patterns, which you can also download.

awesome thanks! they've been added straight to the bookmarks. :)
Ill shoot through those tomorrow


Still playing with new brushes, lol at that weird monster thing. XD

cyberpunk 20677 study. Think ill get back to this when i don't suck at doing hair![Image: cuberpunkstudy1cgs.jpg]

More studies, video game characters awe way more interesting to paint. :P

[Image: vaasprevstudy2.jpg]

Need more practice at metal & hands, struggled way more than i thought i would with that gun!

trying to loosen up after being told about brush economy. Feels weird but looks alright. :)
[Image: dmcstudy.jpg]

40 min doodle, looks like this practice and studying is paying off.
[Image: caveu.jpg]

I dig those rocks. How did you do that? Textures? Textured brushes? Or is it just some rough brush strokes?
cheers man, i used these bad boys.
i had a bit of a play with them on an earlier study so thought i'd give them another go!

[Image: 10mins.jpg]

Max of 10 mins each

been crazy busy so not got much new stuff to upload to ye old sketchbook.
Just a quick study before work

[Image: studyn.jpg]

Skyfall study before work, will try and get another one done later :)
[Image: skyfall.jpg]

Been a while, been crazy busy here's some new studies and stuff. :)

[Image: infectedspacemancopy.jpg]

1hr movie study challanges:
[Image: prometheusstudy.jpg]

[Image: avatarstudy.jpg]

[Image: v4vstudy.jpg]

GF doodle. :)
[Image: cake2ij.jpg]

Nice movie studies man!

I see youre trying to paint all the hair strands in and then smooth it out. If I may suggest it, paint first the big clumps of hair. Squint, paint what you see. No fine lines. Almost think of it as a hair on an action figure - overall volumes, indication of light, but no fine detail.
When you're dong with the overall volume, than you paint smaller lines for individual hairs. This usually gives hair a more consistent result. You will see you see more "texture" on light areas, and almost none in shadows.

(03-09-2013, 02:00 AM)Ursula Dorada Wrote: Nice movie studies man!

I see youre trying to paint all the hair strands in and then smooth it out. If I may suggest it, paint first the big clumps of hair. Squint, paint what you see. No fine lines. Almost think of it as a hair on an action figure - overall volumes, indication of light, but no fine detail.
When you're dong with the overall volume, than you paint smaller lines for individual hairs. This usually gives hair a more consistent result. You will see you see more "texture" on light areas, and almost none in shadows.

Ah awesome thank you!
I HATE doing hair, i always threaten to do hair studies and practice but keep putting it off. >_<
I really need to get on it!!

Thank you again. :)

This is one of my tomb raider entries, slowly rendering her and changing bits here and there. Any and all crit very welcome and appreciated!

[Image: wip3x.jpg]

Study in lighting and cloth, can't remember the total time, think it was close to 3 hours.
[Image: wtfstudy1_zps340ac63d.jpg]

2 1HR movie still channanges:
[Image: lotrstudy.jpg]
[Image: kingdonofheavenstudy.jpg]

It's been a while!
OK here's part of a huge project i'm working on atm, got 6 more of these guys to do, this one is the closest to being finished. just got to tidy up bits here and there.
[Image: 7Kikuchiyocopy2_zps8ae51e23.jpg]

And these are just 2 studies. :)

[Image: drive_zps4348c06d.jpg]

[Image: frame_zps229b2e46.jpg]

More new stuff, [Image: CyberGirl2_zps67aa6e29.jpg]

[Image: LisaOfTheDeadSmallRes_zpsc5ba83a2.jpg]

[Image: anatomyyyyyyycopycopy_zps75062dfd.jpg]

[Image: pervy_zps333bca36.jpg]

[Image: necks_zps3d64de7e.jpg]

[Image: ana2_zps628fabce.jpg]

[Image: 001_zps5972ded8.jpg]

[Image: pacificdriftcopycopy_zps398e0ad4.jpg]

15 Min Mech, terrible but got to start somewhere!
[Image: 15minmech_zps28547e03.jpg]

[Image: blackandwhite_zps16e981fe.jpg]

[Image: JRipper_zps8adbc7b0.jpg]

Here's 2015's work so far, need to study my ass off this year and will be posting all my terrible efforts here!

For all of these, i had a purpose in mind unlike my previous studies which was mainly mindless copying and learnt sweet fuck all.

The poses below were 2 mins each apart from the girls at the bottom who had no time limit
[Image: 08.01.15_zpszjmnkibb.jpg][/URL]

This was a failed attempt at painting over 3d, my fundamental skills are way too bad for me to be pulling something like this off. Never mind, live and learn!
[Image: 06.01.15_zpsfvlxqqld.jpg][/URL]

Still life study, was looking around my desk for really simple shapes to practice my lighting
[Image: 04.01.15%20copy_zpse0wrepgj.jpg][/URL]

Speaking of lighting, i got one of these specifically for my still life studies, it's really useful. Especially if your desk is as cluttered a mine and you have no room or a normal sized desk light!

Another still life
[Image: 02.01.15_zpsct2lcrpv.jpg][/URL]

Study from a promo poster of the film, he's a really odd material (which is why i tried to paint him) as he's sort of 20% transparent and cloudy. You'll know what i mean if you've seen the film.
[Image: 17.01.15_zpspckcfxm2.jpg][/URL]

Another still life, took much longer on this one and was done over 2 nights (so it was dark and the lighting would match) The black on is a candle so isn't anatomically correct, but has a cool texture.
[Image: 22.01.15_zpscjq6ykht.jpg][/URL]

Last off trying to put some of this into practice. Its no fun doing endless studies if i can't put them to some use
[Image: 05.02.15_zpsg5kdofi4.jpg][/URL]

This month is anatomy month, so at the end of it ill do something with it. it'll most likley be disgusting and gross.


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