Never Give Up
It is a pleasure to meet all of you. My Name is Derek Weselake and I go by the pen name WEZ.

The Story:
I graduated from art school a couple years ago and found I wasn't at all were I wanted to be, I hardly drew, I was overweight... then one night, I took a long run in the rain crying as I darted through the outskirts of my city. When at last I was exhausted lying on the grass in a field with no one around, I was at peace, everything made sense. I knew I had to change everything about me... so I did. in about 4 months I lost 60 pounds, took a in depth anatomy course, everywhere I went I examined everything from how things are built, to expressions on people, and how light and color actually work, and made a whole new set of artwork for a convention where I also got featured in their art book. All of these gave me the important realization basically that everything I do contributes to my art career in some way, so why not make a game out of it? and see if I can literally take something towards bettering myself out of anything and everything that I do in life.

This has left my art school friends confused and disconnected as all they do now is talk about video games and anime and hardly draw. I love them dearly but they just ignore the minute I bring up artwork, but I know there are others with a passion that rules their life like myself. So I have come to this forum in hopes of better becoming part of the community that shares the same passion as me that will shape the future. :)

So hello friends :D

Hello Friend :)
Welcome to Crimson Daggers.

My Story:
I had an awesome time in life and then I fucked up.
Now I'm here ;/

Anyway, Enjoy your stay here :D

You sir, are wonderfully inspiring!

Welcome to the daggers-!

I love intro threads because I get to read about all these amazing artists origin stories... but wow, your origin story has blown me away! Congratulations on losing the extra weight! I know what you mean by having to change everything about yourself ~ I needed to do the same thing ^ ^'

Great job, I'm very happy to have you here, can't wait to check out your stuff

And believe me when I say, you've found the right place :D

Enjoy your stay and remember to join in on the community!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Very nice story brother, I know how you feel. Life is full of obstacles. We learn out of them and we grow. Very happy you found the right motivation and got payed for it.

Keep up the work, hope to hear more about you and welcome to the daggers :)

@Prabu: Thank you and your story is so pleasantly simple and damn awesome

@smrrfette: Thank you sooo much!, youa are far too kind ;_;

@Jhonny: Thanks Jhonny absolutely! I look forward to hearing more about you to!

Hey Derek. Inspiring story man, I could literally see a movie in my head as I read it, complete with soundtrack and all. I think lots of artists have had that "I really got to get my shit together now or it's going to be too late" moment. It's important to seize that feeling, and ride it as far as you can (just don't depress or burn yourself out, it happens sometimes).

Do your best man. I'm rooting for you! Welcome to the daggers!


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