Help me become a Professional Artist
We're on the same boat, mate.

I'm not the best person to give anyone advices... but I'll share with you something I've noticed in some really talented people I had the pleasure to meet.

I've always felt like my work had no soul, had no focus, no meaning... felt like all my work is getting me nowhere (I still feel that). That got me down through a road of demotivation and pessimism that is being pretty hard to leave.

Luckily I know some really talented artists, and man, they are so passionate. They never stop a single second! That at first demotivated me even more HAHA. I thought I didn't had what it takes to be an artist... but then I noticed something!

Of course making studies is important and all... But it gets really lifeless and boring really fast. And I see that you, like me, are pretty hardcore into it. I know it's cliché but... first of all, learn how to have fun with it, learn how to love what you're doing.

Let yourself get inspired by things! (that's the important part)
These artists I know are always being inspired by something (to the point they don't even notice it). Their work is often trying to achieve some feeling they had listening to a music, express some experience they're having (vacation happiness, being overwhelmed by work, even art block for example)... or making an tribute to something they're into at the moment. They litterally can find inspiration anywhere, aint that awesome?

And I truly believe that's the key to stop these feelings of stagnation and lack of objective.

It seems like a simple concept, but it's actually hard work finding what inspires you. But once you find it, make a little project on top of that!

Like @JyonnyNovice said, find an are of concept art you want to go into. That may help you even further. I'll use myself as an example:

I'm pretty hooked in Monster Hunter right now, so I decided it would be my subject of inspiration! I love the creature designs of that game, how fighting those gigantic monsters feel and how lively everything is. Sooo... naturally it got me on the track of creature design. And man, it's being FUN.

I'm learning a ton of animal anatomy, and when I'm trying to design my monsters I don't have the simple "Ok, let's try to draw a dragon that looks really cool"... I actually call back to the gameplay, and I start imagining how the fight with my design would feel... in what areas of the game it'll live in, what status element's it'll have, what are it's weak spots, and so on... It makes the working experience so much more lively, and you will always be achieving something.

I don't know... I'm sorry for the wall of text, but I know how bad it feels when you think you're stagnated and out of goals. And I truly hope this silly post helps you in any way to overcome this.

Have fun bro, and make good art! \o/


Messages In This Thread
RE: Help me become a Professional Artist - by Joe - 03-23-2015, 08:33 AM
RE: Help me become a Professional Artist - by Joe - 04-06-2015, 03:01 AM
RE: Help me become a Professional Artist - by Kir - 06-21-2015, 03:57 PM
RE: Help me become a Professional Artist - by Joe - 06-23-2015, 08:06 AM
RE: Help me become a Professional Artist - by Flo - 01-27-2016, 06:33 PM
RE: Help me become a Professional Artist - by Rhasdra - 04-27-2016, 10:52 AM

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