Need some advice
Yeah night classes or certificate programs are worth considering, especially if your parents won't let you not go to college completely.

I strongly recommend against the 10 hour a day idea. Life is full of surprises, including yourself. Something will happen to interrupt your 10 hour a day plan, and not just once. When that happens, it'll make you feel bad, and that bad feel will build until it deflates and crestfallen you out of that 10 hour a day plan, which will then make you feel even worse. If you really want to succeed, you attack smart, small steps, and for the long term, which will not stay small because they build up too.

Another thing to think about is stay positive about every experience/class has the potential to be useful to you if you just look hard enough. Don't fall into the trap of complain, criticize and condemn. That's what a lot of people like to do to appear cool. Not saying anyone who does any of them is trying to appear cool, but if you catch yourself trying to pretend you're cool, know what's what, can't careless 'cos [insert reason here], you're onto the path of not-gonna-learn-and-improve-more.

Attitude determines altitude.

Most environment and peer will try to mold your attitude into the negative or the jaded. Don't.Let.Them. Dare to be positive, be foolish, be deep. With the right attitude, it matters much less whether you're learning in school, online, at work, or as intern.

Oh yeah, interning, even for free, at an actual, practicing studio is like going to school without the debt. Even your living expense while interning free won't match tuition cost PLUS living expense. I didn't do that path, and I sorely wish I freaking didn't listen to my peer and family who said free internship is below respectable people.


Messages In This Thread
Need some advice - by KurtJeremy - 05-02-2014, 10:52 PM
RE: Need some advice - by Adam Lina - 05-03-2014, 12:29 AM
RE: Need some advice - by zooda - 05-03-2014, 12:35 AM
RE: Need some advice - by meat - 05-03-2014, 02:01 AM
RE: Need some advice - by Baoto - 05-04-2014, 10:47 PM

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