missimoinsane digital painting improvements :3
Apparently I never posted this finished:
[Image: moonlight_necormancy__by_missimoinsane-d7nilop.jpg]
Which full can be found on my deviantART @ http://missimoinsane.deviantart.com/art/...87503&qo=1

I came here to post up my most recent and do a bit of "journal" updating.

[Image: mr_lor_lawrence_by_missimoinsane-d7vux7s.jpg]
Full image can be found on my deviantART @ http://missimoinsane.deviantart.com/art/...87503&qo=0

Journal stuff:

It's certainly been a while. I don't have much in the way of excuses. My pen to my wacom tablet broke, I've been building a new pC, I've been gaming a lot, making new friends where I live, medical stuff and plain lazy-ness. To be truthful.

The last few months have been hard, in April I split up with my Fiancé and by May I'm living in a completely new county/city and making a new life for myself... working so hard to improve on things and have a better life for myself. It's becoming a new adventure... and well I'm finding me again.

I do however feel I want too, no, NEED too get back into my art, art improvements. I was doing so well.. in my opinion. And I want to keep on with the learning with the progression and the improvements.

So I thought I'd post here. I did spend all yesterday repainting some lost work, which I happen to still have the lineart for and I've been working hard on that. Today has been taking a lil break to do some research however I hope to continue with it this week. In addition I'm looking to get back into doing studies. So any suggestions would be appreciated.

Anyway.. hello.. how have you all been? xX
Ps. Still looking to make more artistic friends and befriend then on Facebook if anyone's interested?

© missimoinsane:  Daggers Sketchbook  |  deviantART  |  Facebook Page  |  Personal Webpage 

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RE: missimoinsane digital painting improvements :3 - by missimoinsane - 08-26-2014, 04:04 AM
RE: missimoinsane digital painting improvements :3 - by FROZ3N - 09-29-2015, 09:14 PM

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