Angel of death sci fi paintover please!
thats so awesome, I guess once you've got a bit of freelance work under your belt then it helps leading onto the next one. and ive been thinking about it more and more, im kinda scared im gonna get out of FZD and somehow suddenly get a load of great job opportunities and have to turn them down for a travel year! still I'm always gonna regret it if I dont see more of the world, I'm far too stuck in the UK and I'm itching to get out (which is half the appeal of living in Singapore!). I may genuinely visit around there because one of my friends and my godfather lives there, so I'll give you a shout if I'm around!

haha i just had a look at some of my old work and my replies to your crit 'I didnt know how much perspective this would use' is my favourite for sure! hah yeah looking back on them it does look at lot like I wasnt taking in your advice, but I really was trying to, just not in a very focussed way, which slowed down any improvement. thanks buddy, that means a lot.

Life of a freelancer man! keep grinding out the work and it'll keep coming mate.

Train, gain, or stay the same.

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RE: Angel of death sci fi paintover please! - by Wardy - 02-20-2015, 08:05 PM

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