How to Draw (Robertson's book) study thread
Many thanks for your reply, I understand what is going better BUT (there is always a but :) )

I understand the need for the x sections, which is fine when you have them and can follow them, I am having difficulty understanding what he has done at point J (step 7). He has added x sections to get more points, but the surface is curved at the top which in theory should throw off his x sections because the sides are not straight.

I have attempted one to try and illustrate my question, adding an extra x section is fine when the object has no curves, but following the curved surface with a straight line (like he did in step 7) and figuring out where the point lies on the ground is what is making me pull my hair out.

Your tractor is looking great! Well done!

I was thinking that it does look like it took quite a bit of time to complete which I think is good to do now as we are getting to grips with perspective, to cement the theory. But looking at Scott's work, it usually is not as meticulous which leaves room for stylisation. Your drawing has a 3d feel, like it was done in sketchup and exported, so now that you know you can do that maybe its a good time to do more sketchy ones that are still grounded in good perspective theory like mr Robertson, I dont know if that make any sense.

The other thing is I am noticing your drawing having more of a wide angle effect, I wonder if that was intentional or the results of the grid you used?

Very good job!


Messages In This Thread
RE: How to Draw (Robertson's book) study thread - by iReddog - 04-19-2015, 09:40 AM
RE: How to Draw (Robertson's book) study thread - by iReddog - 04-22-2015, 03:59 AM
RE: How to Draw (Robertson's book) study thread - by tbnkaron - 10-12-2015, 10:06 PM

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