The Balancing Act; Advice Welcome!
I agree with @Brush that you should follow your dream. We all are good at encouraging others to do it, and it's actually quite hard to do it yourself! But what can be more devastating than witnessing a dead dream?

Are you going to create a Kickstarter project? You could post some sketches and stories there to show what ideas you'd like to develop, and if people like it they'll invest! I've never used it myself but I think it needs some promoting, like in social networks, groups, forums and so on.

Kepping a day job until your project becomes popular sounds reasonable. I don't know how much time a day you have excluding job, but anyway planning is essential. I heared Jeffrey R. Watts talking about it on Youtube, too. I tend to plan every day before sleep. Sometimes I get terrified how few time is left, but it's better than being mindless. Making plans for several months is useful, too. Have you watched Amit's video on smart goals? It helped me a lot. Even if you fail to perform some of your tasks, I'm sure you will achieve more than without well-defined goals limited in time. If you want other people to encourage you with your goals you might post a thread in Deathline section here on Daggers.

Not sure about you, but I tend to be too soft with other people. Not sure how to change it without becoming an asshole, got to think about it. Sometimes you have to say "No" to your employees if they make you work objectively more than a normal person would without due compensation. To ask for a vacation when you really have to do something for your project. To ask for more money for performing good job if you are a freelancer. Or To say "No" to your friends and family, if your help or presence is not essential and you have to work in your dream. 

As for sport, I beleive that it's essential and heving a strong body will help you to make your mind stronger and to have power for following your dream. Cause it's a long yourney and a weak body won't last long enough. I agree with Brush about schedule.

Hope that some of my thoughts were helpful!


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RE: The Balancing Act; Advice Welcome! - by neopatogen - 04-06-2016, 10:23 AM

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