Mayenla's Sketchbook, The Long Hard Road to Mediocrity.
Still going at it, albeit slowly.

So my current process has been to draw the Loomis mannequins, then expand on top of that the basic forms of mass. I got a few reference sheets for muscles that I refer to while drawing and plotting the lines, but as this is all rather new I don't know where lines should go or how the muscles should affect the contour of the body... which is exactly what I was expecting!

My next step is to do a page of reference drawing of the arms, chest and legs, as well as from memory, so now when I'm researching those sets of muscles I have a basis of understanding (my mannequin muscle drawings) rather than just going in blind trying to guess where they should be going on the body, and hoping it sticks.

Here's my latest page:

I can see lots of things wrong with these, which is good :)


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RE: Mayenla's Sketchbook, The Long Hard Road to Mediocrity. - by Mayenla - 08-21-2015, 10:16 PM

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