missimoinsane digital painting improvements :3
Another 1 hour study. Speedpainting, one layer, quick, no line art... blah blah blah
Note; please note that I ran out of time before I got to doing her partin or cleaning up around the eyes.

[Image: 1_hour_study__black_by_missimoinsane-d72aa9l.jpg]
For full credit and link to stock and brushes uses please see original on deviantART @ http://missimoinsane.deviantart.com/art/...1389801259

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RE: mii: Struggling to improve digital "paintings" - Help? - by missimoinsane - 01-16-2014, 01:56 AM
RE: missimoinsane digital painting improvements :3 - by FROZ3N - 09-29-2015, 09:14 PM

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