JyonnyNovice - from Novice to Master!
Haha seeing boxy figures in your sleep is how you know its working. You say you aim to start working in watercolors? As Jeff Watts said in one of his videos, watercolor is a masters medium. As to say it takes a much more experienced painter to use water color due to it being very unforgiving. Once you go dark in watercolor theres no getting the lights back. So you have to be able to think ahead 20 steps like a master chess player. Id suggest acrylic or gouache and start with just black and white paint.

Gouache is kind of like watercolor but you can use less water and it becomes opaque so you can go over black with white no problem. Plus after it drys you can just add water to it and its completely usable again. Its the only kind of paint you can do that with. So you can do a few minutes here and there with no long term commitment or wasting paint. Its almost like painting digitally in some ways. Its the best starter medium to learn basic mixing, edge control and brush stroke economy. Every medium you work in has its own challenges and the thought process you develop to cope with them will make you stronger in all other mediums.


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RE: JyonnyNovice - from Novice to Master! - by Adam Lina - 11-23-2014, 01:13 PM

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