Thomas' Sketchbook
yeahhh boy ! getting better and better Thomas !
lookin good dude

thanks guys
[Image: faces.jpg]
[Image: boug-1.jpg]
unfinished Bouguereau study. probably done with this
[Image: value.jpg?t=1342735053]
[Image: torsos.jpg]
[Image: facez.jpg?t=1342887836]

[Image: ape.jpg?t=1342887956]

[Image: janitor-1.jpg]

[Image: ffg.jpg?t=1343136262]

[Image: fac4.jpg?t=1343136387]

[Image: 2zhqk3s.jpg]

[Image: crtp.jpg?t=1343167367]

[Image: executioner-Recovered-3.jpg]

[Image: study.jpg?t=1343338176]
[Image: studo.jpg?t=1343338260]
Nice BW's man!
And paint more faces, it will do you good! The sketches are showing you have a nice grasp on them - don't worry to much about over-rendering them, just treat them as another part of the study :)

thanks ursula, I'm going to focus on doing portrait studies soon actually, I feel it's one of my weakest traits haha

[Image: executioner-Recovered-5.jpg]

[Image: wip-2.jpg]
humpty dumpty
[Image: thefall.jpg?t=1343586757]

[Image: men.jpg]
[Image: studies-1.jpg]
some studies from this morning
[Image: baron-8.jpg]

thing for a project. i wanna actually try and carry this one out

many thanks to mike azevedo and miles johnston for the greeatt advice
[Image: revisit.jpg]

I was looking through all my old art and I had a soft spot for this guy, so I decided it would be fun to redraw him
Awesome work Thomas, you are motivating me to get a crack on my studies and work, especially that last post, keep it up.

Sketchbook | Deviantart | Blog

"The difficulties of not knowing are much greater than the effort of learning"
some of the orc characters im working on for my hypothetical game project
[Image: allofthem-1.jpg]

couple of sketches
[Image: doodle.jpg?t=1344469352] [Image: pirate.jpg?t=1344469378]

im going on holiday soon, pretty excited, going to have my sketchbook so ill work more traditionally

and heres the dog thing im working on at the moment, im finding it difficult to understand cool vs warm and stuff to do with colours. at the moment it looks like something out of Batman and Robin (1997)
[Image: dog-2.jpg?t=1344271973]
this is really cool man , I like the stylisation of those characters :)

[Image: clayface1.jpg]

so i was watching batman the animated series and this started as just a doodle, but i really like clayface and his background story of being an actor so i tried to refine it abit more. it was really fun

oh and im leaving for holiday in the morning so i wont be able to update for a while :( going to focus on traditional anatomy stuff though!
[Image: squidmen_by_mahons-d5bvs5s.jpg]

been really lazy recently and unproductive. no excuses, im just shit. here is something though. 2 hour study

[Image: nude_study_by_mahons-d5c4p9s.jpg]

[Image: another_day_another_nude_by_mahons-d5c5kys.jpg]
[Image: cloth.jpg]
All looks good to me man. Only thing I've noticed is you tend not to draw the faces in your painting studies; don't forget about them too. Great work though, keep it up.
thanks dennis, i really do avoid faces, big problem i need to 'face'... zing.

[Image: studies_by_mahons-d5ca5yv.jpg]

couple of studies from today (the irony is not lost on me)
Hahaha, those look good though. Good work.
Oh my god, that dog thing looks awesome. And the studies are looking great. Come so far already, just since the start of the SB. Keep it up man, seriously motivating stuff.


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