Arch's Book of Stuff
It’s good to see you experiment with different ways to go about something. That’s an important thing to figure out what works best for you, so good job :)

I totally feel you on the „scared of not being able to make the painting/drawing good“. Didn’t find a good way to battle that yet, other than consciously reminding yourself that it’s ok to fail and make mistakes. And maybe develop some easy/fun routines to just get you started working at all (some warmup ritual), that makes it at least slightly easier to get started on the scary things because you already have your drawing tool in your hand. Doesn’t always work though…

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
ramalooke - Thank you! Really happy to hear it's finally starting to show through. It's been something I've been trying to work with.

Lyraina - Yeah, experimenting has been one of the best things to make art a little more fun. I think the next step might be lowering expectations, as negative as that sounds, raising them to the point that you expect a perfect or near perfect result each time is unrealistic. Part of the fear, I think, comes from that attachment to our work, and when a result hurts that, it's hard to take right away. The warmup thing sounds great! Gestures used to be that for me, so I might just get back into those, or find another thing that's just as good.

Sorry for being sort of on and off with the whole active nature of my sketchbook. I just finished up what might be the last piece for my current client, and I'm planning on doing hella studies as well as personal work. I was pretty stressed out procrastinating on the client stuff, so I suppose I'm not 100% "pro" just yet, and it really hurt some of my personal progress. This last thing I did for them was fun, and it was challenging as all hell. I've never attempted anything like this before.

It feels good to be done with it, though. I've got enough $$$ saved up to take some time for myself before I start finding more work again, which is really nice. Gaming is just awful, and I will do my best to play MUCH less games for more of those tasty art gains.

I always ask myself in regard to time "Is it worth grinding for that XP? Farming for that item drop?" The time spent acquiring those things might have been replaced by making progress elsewhere. A new kickass piece? A skill development? I dunno. These are just some thoughts I have sometimes. Haha.

There's some personal stuff I'm working on, and yes, project stuff! Gotta get to it! :]

I so dig the colours in your digital stuff. Really neat.
This piece here kills me: I just love this design, and the overall style of the lineart.
 I'm sorry I've got nothing constructive to say but I thought I could as well cheer you on a bit! (: Keep up the great work!!


Cyprinus - Thanks! Yeah, I was really pleased with the final result of that one. I'd just really like to keep more of the gestural aspects from the sketch phase.  I'm just happy to hear things don't look like blobs of color or stick figures. Haha. :D

I've been doing a lot of personal writing lately, so I haven't spent all that much time painting/drawing. At the moment it's done, so there will be more stuff coming. There's just a couple of studies, and painting still feels a little weird after all the drawing. I've also got some photos of my adventures with friends this summer! As soon as I finish cleaning and editing a few of them I will be sure to post them up if it doesn't seem too unrelated. 

Hey, this time I actually have something a little more finished to share! I was just testing some painting stuff out after a few of those studies, and it happened to turn out to be some fan art. Haha. That's just how it goes sometimes I guess, but I can't say I'm too displeased with the result.

Kakuzu from Naruto Shippuden. He's just awesome.

Still trying to loosen up, so there are some more daily warm-ups and anatomy studies. Should probably get to implementing some of this knowledge. Also, some sketchbook stuff coming up. :D

Sketchosoph - Thanks! Happy to hear you like the stuff. I'll definitely keep on hitting those good studies, they've been really helpful! :D

More daily studies. Ever since I started doing these loosely timed and un-timed, it's been easier to construct in 3D and think as such. There's a sketch page of concepts for ADS that I've been using as a means to implement some of the knowledge, but I'm so damn slow and just need to keep working through stuff to actually see it done.

Holy shit dude you've gotten so much better it's insane.

Very nice linequality :)

CoreyH - Thank you! :D

crackedskull - Thanks. I've still got a few things to iron out, but happy to hear it's looking alright.

Got around to scanning my sketchbook pages. I've got three most comps of pages that I'll post later, as to not completely just leave a huge dump of junk in one post. Some of these were from the beginning of the year, and most of them are from May-July sometime. I've been focusing more on digital because . . . I have no "real" reason why. As of now, the sketchbook has just been a tool for sketching and doodling ideas, and life studies.

A lot of the stuff is pretty nonsensical.

Some of the most fun drawing I've ever had were in the sketchpad as I waited for my classes, or for the bus. So I'd really like to get more extended time with pencil and paper again. :]

More sketchbook stuff. This includes some newer stuff from a couple of weeks ago, life drawings, and some exploration sketches for ADS. Sometime between June-July. Was up North with some friends again. It's always so nice to get away from the city, and get some time to get out in nature to do stuff. There's still a lot of pictures I'm planning on posting as some point, but there are so many. Okay, more personal stuff next time!

Now we watch as you begin your ascent into Kim Jung Gi-hood. Haha, really cool stuff man. I like the loose and fun feel of it all.

Really great gestures and figure drawings! You're well on your way to becoming the next Kim Jung Gi! Thumbs_up


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CoreyH - Haha, thanks! Dunno if I'm quite on my way yet, but it'd be pretty awesome to get there eventually. 

Bookend - Thank you! Maybe in 20 more years. Gotta get much, much better before then. :D

Here's some older stuff I forgot about from March, or maybe even older? I dunno. I'll probably never finish them. They're mostly just some half-baked ideas. Although, I still kinda like the rogue-ish guy, so I might go back and do that for the portfolio, maybe.

I'll have some more quick paints and a couple other drawings to show later. I also might have another gig! If I can land it, it will be nice to not feel like a bum just sitting around doing art.

Nice gestures! Really like your paint-- You've got a good grasp of value. Keep at it and work hard. Thumbs_up

Ooh, and check out Michael Hampton-- He seems to be the go-to for thinking about gesture. (Also gotta love George Bridgman!)


 Join our Study Group: The Velvet Revolvers!  Let's work hard together!
Bookend - Thanks! I've still got to finish Hampton's book, I'm so bad with books, it takes me forever to digest them. Haha.

Another sketch page exploring the ADS universe, and some studies. Not really happy with how these turned out. Next time I'll be sure to take a little more time and think more.

really great studies! Loving the colors and sketches.
I've always found Kakuzu to be creepy/cool :y
Maybe you could push the rendering in add more definition to your forms, tho it depends on the look you're going for I think ^^
VoodooMama - Thanks! Kakuzu's been my favorite for the longest time for some reason. It probably doesn't help that I played him a lot online in the fighting games, and the fight in the show had great animation/execution. May be why. I'll definitely keep the form definition in mind! Thanks again. :]

There's not much, just some studies as I've actually been focusing time into an ADS painting, finally. It's amazing. Luckily, doing more of this stuff is beginning to feel like I'm hitting a sort of sweet spot, schedule wise, and it's been slowly boosting my productivity. The only thing I need to do is find a way to better maintain focus later in the day. If I can't finish the painting by the end of the day, I'll post a WIP sometime tomorrow!

The other gig I mentioned sort of fell through, but the person I was going to be working with recommended me to the same agency for another illustration gig! It's both exciting and scary in a way. I'm still very nervous when talking to new clients, or teams of people about projects. Haha.

Sorry for long walls of text. Dunno if anyone really cares, but I think having a open book approach might help someone. I've always wondered what living this way might be like, and most artists don't openly share the small things that can really be important. But yeah, hopefully it doesn't sound like I'm just blabbering. Haha! :V

More stuff, and surprisingly enough I wasn't able to finish the painting yesterday. Haha. Really, it's not something I'm considering putting into the portfolio, which I should really be working on, unless it turns out great. The painting is really more of a study application in the form of an exploration of the ADS universe, and what that mood or general aesthetic might be.

Depending on how things go I may have to put it on hold in the next week or so, because I'll soon start doing work for that client! Before then, I'll get as much as I can done. Too many studies, not enough actual work on things. So there will be more of imagination stuff for a while, and will just burn myself out on that until I need some more studies to refuel. :D

Been busy with client work. I'm almost done with the current project I'm working on, and that means I'll have some time to work on personal stuff. Mostly these are some studies that were done in-between client stuff. Trying not to get too rusty and whatnot. Haha.

I'll have some more interesting work sometime next week! :]

Probably a really good sign that it takes you awhile to get through a book-- Means that you're absorbing it. Well, hopefully. Grin

I just love your style and your work-- So expressive and interesting. The way you put down lines is fantastic, so keep putting them down. Thumbs_up


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