Deathline of Doomy Doom
Ok this is going to be a biiiiiig list, there are things i need to improve on and loads i need to learn.

Here's my work so you can see what i'm like so far:
and this is what i know and have been told needs improving:

anatomy **
colour theory **
less use of 100% black
stop using so much photo ref **
stop going crazy with textures *
stop being lazy and saying "fuck it that'll do" **
Environments **
***Use this website more!!***

I think that's that, looking at it now it doesn't seem like a big list, but i know its going to take aaaaaaages to nail all of that.
My main thing i want to get to grips with is anatomy, i get it to an extent but i realise i suck the most when i try to do a character from scratch, i can spend hours and hours trying to get the pose right getting more and more frustrated and in the end always just get a camera and photograph myself doing the pose.

Anyway my aim is to do something from this list every day maybe an hour or 2 in my lunch break, what those things will be i need a bit of help with.
I've alot got a fair few arty books so going to read through all of those and try out any tutorials which apply to what i'm trying to improve.

Thank for listening to me rant, ill be posting my work here:


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