Olooriel's Practice Blog
Thanks! I hope so, and I'm definitely not stopping!

Boxes and dissected organic shapes:
[Image: WX5baR4.jpg]

Loomis Mannikins:
[Image: slSYZod.jpg]

[Image: 2c1UCY0.jpg]

[Image: U7kQ0XD.jpg]

[Image: kp5uXz7.jpg]

Great organic shapes! Try making your own mannequin figures, though-- I think part of the process of studying them from Loomis is being able to create your own and understanding how the basic structure is moving. I know that I reached a few epiphanies about the figure by playing around with these basic concepts.

Glad you're working so hard. It's inspiring! Thumbs_up


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hey i like your dissections and intersection pages.

the only thing I can crit on is that on some of your boxes, the perspective looks a little out, I know they're more for the purpose of studying intersections, but it's good to troubleshoot those as you go.

so as a general rule, as parallel lines move away from you in perspective, they'll get closer together.

struggled with those intersections myself tho, so good work!

Thanks! I try to concentrate on one thing at a time, so for these it was the way the forms intersect, and I pretty much ignored perspective. If anything, these were intended to be orthographic (they probably aren't that either though).
For perspective practice, I'm drawing just the boxes on their own, and while I still can't manage to get those right, I don't want to complicate it with intersections and perspective at once...

Coming to that - on the figure drawing course I found that I learn best by copying everything first to get a feeling for it, then applying from imagination afterwards.

Some terribly skewed boxes and cylinders:

[Image: 8OvomEw.jpg]

More Loomis Mannikins:

[Image: Pob7eKp.jpg]

[Image: MHdvS1C.jpg]

[Image: T5AcNl8.jpg]

Figure from photo reference:

[Image: P1Te37E.jpg]

Awesome work Olooriel, good to see those Loomis studies! Are those studies from the Draw A Box lessons? They look really good :) I was considering doing some of those. Are you doing many studies from memory? If not you really should start doing those to cement your knowledge.

Oh and I like your line work, both digital and traditional, it's nice and clean!

Thank you! I've been working to improve my lines lately, it is good to hear that it has been helping :) Yes, those are from Draw A Box.
I aim for about half of my studies to be from observation, and half from memory.

Uh, I've neglected posting for quite a bit, wil have to catch up...

More Loomis manikins:

[Image: Pa3ETpB.jpg]

[Image: CHfw6xU.jpg]

First set of notan for the environment course:
[Image: N5Ma5sM.jpg]

First notan study:
[Image: T7lFDZP.jpg]

First 4-value study:
[Image: n1m1js7.jpg]

Wow, much improvement on using those mannequins! Environment studies are sweet!
Thank you! I don't see the improvement with the manikins to be honest, but I hope you're right XD

The first few scans of my new little travel sketchbook, done in ink, because it's Inktober:

[Image: vHgDCvr.jpg]

[Image: xGrPavh.jpg]

[Image: W86dPXq.jpg]

[Image: NfdDL1f.jpg]

[Image: wzg9TJo.jpg]

Part II of travel sketches:

[Image: 3Ki8sPn.jpg]

[Image: m9cTnXH.jpg]

[Image: 8lcQL9f.jpg]

[Image: RG3YoLk.jpg]

[Image: wGiiWOf.jpg]

Part III of travel sketches (all from  life):

[Image: 6MV0Qvu.jpg]

[Image: DSWG6Wj.jpg]

[Image: Lsb1Amq.jpg]

[Image: VB41FDJ.jpg]

[Image: ZXiNYPD.jpg]

Thank you so much! :)
Yeah, the vehicles were kind of scary to attempt (first time drawing a car), but the museum was so awesome, I just couldn't resist a hall full of vintage cars... they have a couple of perspective issues, but I'm still pretty happy with how they turned out! :)

And oh dear, that vacation really messed up my posting schedule. Long time no post, lots of catching up to do... I'll start with some Environment course stuff I haven't posted in here yet, even though it's not new:

Notans Part 2:
[Image: hIuSoCE.jpg]

Second notan study:
[Image: rW7msbf.jpg]

Second value study:
[Image: nAAKA0O.jpg]

Some more manikins from Loomis (need to get back into those again):
[Image: fHPeAvl.jpg]

Pumpkin rendering exercise from CG Cookie Halloween livestream:
[Image: YBr6RSU.jpg]

Some more (after quite some digging through my picture folders to find out what I haven't been posting yet)...

Some pretty bad Loomis manikins (from imagination):
[Image: 37ZfGsi.jpg]

Notans part 3:
[Image: JrNfC2t.jpg]

Notan study 3:
[Image: hclMyqI.jpg]

Valuestudy 3:
[Image: X5GaQ9C.jpg]

Update of an older picture after I got some helpful critique for it:
[Image: stardust___flight_rising_fanart_by_olooriel-d90cfw3.jpg]

More catching up... the rest will have to wait until after the holidays. Merry Christmas, Daggers! :)

More Loomis manikins:
[Image: EpT9kbt.jpg]

Notans part 4:
[Image: EPoc5vH.jpg]

Notan study 4:
[Image: hje2Ydb.jpg]

Value study 4:
[Image: jZd8DoS.jpg]

And a quick Yoda I painted last night:
[Image: master_yoda_by_olooriel-d9ky5z1.png]

Heya, thanks for coming by my sketchbook! :)

Yous is nice man, love the Loomis excercises ;)

Thank you! Somehow I'm very unhappy with the Loomis studies myself, namely the ones done from imagination, because they immediately lack dynamic gesture and movement... :/ Need to do some more of those, I guess, but I'm not very motivated to do so...

I noticed that I missed some of the ink drawings from my first lifedrawing session, so here's the rest:

[Image: BzOautC.jpg]

[Image: xbwE2xM.jpg]

[Image: GuWkaAh.jpg]

[Image: cLE5mJx.jpg]

And a more recent dandelion:
[Image: VBNuBkJ.jpg]

Hi Olooriel! :3 
I'm so jealous of your Travel sketchbook, it will be so cool to look back on those in years to come!

The amount of practice your doing in here is a treat to look at and the progress you are making is inspiring so please keep doing what your doing because its working  Thumbs_up

Thanks! The travel sketchbook is a lot of fun, I'd really recommend it to anyone (even those who don't otherwise do traditional).
I appreciate your kind words, it's difficult to see ones own progress sometimes, and I never feel that I'm working enough.

Finally scanned some of my sketchbook pages I drew over the christmas holidays...

from photo reference:
[Image: 6VHbqpC.jpg]

value study of coca-cola santa:
[Image: xVH7c1k.jpg]

[Image: tLi7u5X.jpg]

(I had trouble finding the right pencil, left is too hard, right is too soft):
[Image: EcDkSl6.jpg]

Found the right one:
[Image: tmUVR6o.jpg]

More Loomis:

[Image: 7axz1RE.jpg]

[Image: SrSRTDX.jpg]

[Image: MFKIQR3.jpg]

Notan study:
[Image: ijg6VJH.jpg]

Value study:
[Image: x8pg9fP.jpg]

Great sketchbook you got here. Very clever idea with doing skin tone studies from master paintings.

Something that could improve your drawings a little bit is paying more attention to the lineweight. In all your pencil studies the contours have the same thickness. If you could vary them it would help creating a sense of 3d form but also give the viewer more contrasts to look at. I quickly searched for some tutorials on the topic and found this...


The author has manga style but the section called Some basic things about lines apply to any style of drawing. For example thicker lines appear closer or that it's better to put thin light towards the light and thicker line in the shadow.

Also you would benefit from a bit of still life drawing with some careful measuring and drawing through the form. I know it's not as exciting as anatomy and figure but nothing beats having real object in front of you.

Keep going with those studies.

Cheers :).
Great sketchbook! I really love those dynamic sketches of organic shapes, those are super inspiring :)

failure is a badge of honour 

sketchbook / tumblr 

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