Olooriel's Practice Blog
I had a guy come up to me and say I would be in the louvre one day and I had a family ask me to teach their daughter how to draw. I was still in highschool at the time. People say the strangest things. I also hate it when people talk to me because I like to pretend I am invisible when I am drawing from life.

Dragon anatomy is just a combination of a bunch of different animals and some human anatomy. I would study animal anatomy.For dragons, I would study big cats, reptiles, and dinosaurs.

Your digital painting are looking good. For the bones I would simplify them into basic 3d shapes and then add the details. Pelvis is a bucket shape. Proko has a lot of good videos on figure drawing on youtube I would check him out.

Thank you for the feedback!
They must produce a different brand of people where you live, I never get comments like those... I generally don't mind them looking, though.
Yeah, I know that about dragon anatomy, I just haven't studied much anatomy at all so far, even human, and no animal ones at all. For the moment, the human stuff has priority though.

Yesterday was a good day, and I got hours of concentrated work in. Today was an off day. I had to put aside some other stuff midway through just to be able to get any drawing done at all, but then that unfinished stuff proved to be incredibly distracting. And it's not likely to get any better tomorrow...

Warmup - planes are somewhat ok, but ellipses are my nemesis:
[Image: r17hYuz.jpg]

Hands from Loomis. Even holding the pencil the proper way felt just incredibly awkward and uncomfortable today (I hope this image shows up, imgur doesn't seem to like it any more than I do):
[Image: 3SHU1o6.jpg]

My own hands from life in similar poses:
[Image: xRqo8gF.jpg]

Downloaded Proko's skelly app, but I'm not very used to handling an ipad and still have trouble posing it without ending up with something that's anatomically impossible (and incredibly painful, in an arm-through-ribcage sort of way), so I resorted to sketching some aweful skulls from it instead. I noticed that I keep making that particular proportion mistake (big chin, hardly any upper jaw to nose) repeatedly.
[Image: sKi8bn4.jpg]

Then I went to study Proko's hip "bucket", but I don't find it to be a particularly helpful simplification so far because it doesn't depict the tilt adequately... also, ellipses again. Which rounds off a perfectly awful day of drawing.
[Image: 2fLifS3.jpg]

Lots of paperwork keeping me from drawing as much as I'd want to :/

Just copied from magazines while visiting my mum:
[Image: gamTPMm.jpg]

Hands from Loomis:
[Image: YIs8lv0.jpg]

Hands from imagination:
[Image: 3qHOhVr.jpg]

Warmup and simple two point perspective:
[Image: bOojD1A.jpg]

Our study in one point perspective:
[Image: hipcuDw.jpg]

Some feet from imagination:
[Image: uvXfeic.jpg]

Some simple perspective boxes:
[Image: ZEkJgDS.jpg]

Instead of doing the next perspective exercise, I added more details to the drawing of my room:
[Image: NOxjOUr.jpg]

And then I got tired of studies and finished these two instead:

[Image: memories_of_summer_by_olooriel-d94lqa5.jpg]

[Image: sacrifice_by_olooriel-d95467k.jpg]

Hey, awesome work so far! Let's see some more. Keep producing this stuff. Grin


 Join our Study Group: The Velvet Revolvers!  Let's work hard together!
Thank you! :)

It's been a week since the last post... and I've had better ones. Trying to ease back into it today, not that successful.

Some terribly skewed boxes for warmup:
[Image: tH3VKiu.jpg]

Drawing along with a figure drawing video:
[Image: 8hUEilL.jpg]

[Image: xc7OaoJ.jpg]

Drawing the same stuff on top of a photo:
[Image: 1Ss9HNH.jpg]

Same photo, attempt at a more realistic skeleton:
[Image: y4nLusU.jpg]

Weekend update of an older image:
[Image: iceprincess_newcolours_finalsmall_by_olo...95y9wd.png]

Thank you!! :)

Yesterday's stuff... practice still feels off, but I'm slowly getting into the rhythm again I think.

More terrible boxes and ellipses for warmup:
[Image: sYzKORh.jpg]

Figures from imagination:
[Image: S5gDmFM.jpg]

[Image: itbI1QI.jpg]

Finally the third exercise for week 1 of "From a Cube to a Cathedral":
[Image: f0NZCJC.jpg]

Skin studies from master paintings, the last cooler palette was surpisingly fun to work with:
[Image: ybXGQed.jpg]

Warmup stuff - I'm really having trouble thinking in 3d on these...:
[Image: HbHoy8e.jpg]

Some more rendered skintone spheres, following a tutorial:
[Image: rGZ8Xz5.jpg]

Rendering some of the organic shapes from my warmup as skin:
[Image: 6rgKLa6.jpg]

Figure drawing stuff from video:
[Image: DEVivbv.jpg]

[Image: VAzlJGg.jpg]

Ooh, those skin amalgalms look eerie :)
Youre doing doing good on learning how to grasp 3d forms, keep up the mileage.

Thank you! :)

Here's the rest of those forms ;)
[Image: XJj1iOj.jpg]

And some more in ink:
[Image: rM2mfXA.jpg]

Some figures from imagination:
[Image: VLjl1Pz.jpg]

[Image: vxsDvSk.jpg]

And the first perspective exercise of week2:
[Image: wNUVjhy.jpg]

Thank you! I can't see my improvement myself, but I hope you're right ;)
Thanks for mentioning the vanishing point issue, I tend to do that. I feel the need to fit them on the page, but then again, with a digital canvas, no reason why I can't make it really wide and crop it later. I will try to keep it in mind for the next exercise!

These are just copies of the shapes in the video, but I wanted to keep it simple for my first attempt at using tones paper, markers and gel pen:
[Image: nsJqGF4.jpg]

Sketchbook doodle while watching a livestream, hated it, so...
[Image: jH07flT.jpg]

I went to practice heads with another video tutorial:
[Image: iDUJ9JR.jpg]

[Image: uVYxB35.jpg]

I also received some helpful crit in another forum, so I attempted to fix it digitally:
[Image: egbM9j0.jpg]

Some day I'll be able to do that sort of stuff with a pencil. Some day... *sigh*

Very kewl studies! Do maor, and don't be afraid to apply it. Grin Thumbs_up


 Join our Study Group: The Velvet Revolvers!  Let's work hard together!
Thank you! :)

Ink stuff:
[Image: fEgNkcJ.jpg]

Head/Skull construction from imagination:
[Image: SH8D1QP.jpg]

Same, but with added features inspired by photo ref:
[Image: rQ4IfAW.jpg]

Figure video tutorial stuff:
[Image: nqIiDQr.jpg]

Analysing a photo for the form changes he was describing (not meant to look pretty):
[Image: kuKrTlC.jpg]

Ink stuff:
[Image: smBBeMU.jpg]

Trying to figure out how lines drawn on her skin would curve...
[Image: 6pUQmTY.jpg]

More of the figure construction stuff, now from imagination:
[Image: jMFQGAZ.jpg]

And finally a long figure drawing following the video... the pose he was drawing was way more dramatic though.
[Image: kTDTM4C.jpg]

And another one from imagination, figuring out the pose took forever, and it's still less than perfect:
[Image: b4ifnqx.jpg]

Studying forms and construction are gonna pay off, keep it up.

Those figures are looking better and better. The legs on those last 2 drawings especially look nice. I like how you showed the shifting of the hips and weight distribution. It'd be cool to see you combine some of that ink work with your figures.

Will try.

@Adam Lina
Thank you! That's a cool idea, to do figures in ink - I am not ready for that though, those last two involved a lot of erasing... I'll make that my end goal though.

More form intersections, and some warmup boxes with ellipses (which I'm aware are way off)
[Image: rtpvpHc.jpg]

Figure from video tutorial:
[Image: uuw4s7I.jpg]

Figure from imagination (and I know that the head is a tad too big):
[Image: 8ZCBMJ1.jpg]

Sketchbook doodle for Chrimson Chow #15:
[Image: Fti4J7V.jpg]

Coloured version:
[Image: mv3OfId.jpg]

Very cool Rusalka piece! You're doing awesomely. Don't stop now! Grin


 Join our Study Group: The Velvet Revolvers!  Let's work hard together!
Thanks, it was a fun topic, so I couldn't resist it. I'm a lousy designer, so I normally don't participate.

More forms:
[Image: JLsWwt3.jpg]

Figure from video tutorial:
[Image: 3rLoegM.jpg]

Figure from photo reference:
[Image: gyOj9Qh.jpg]

Same pose from memory, gender switch:
[Image: 56LPMPb.jpg]

Same pose from memory, gender switch:
[Image: 8EN7iEm.jpg]

Still having trouble with proportions. Figure drawing course is over now, moving back to Loomis.

EDIT: Also, yay, finally 100 posts! :D
Took me long enough...

Really great shapes! You're getting a great sense of shape, form, and volume this way. Don't stop now, you're making remarkable progress!!! Thumbs_up


 Join our Study Group: The Velvet Revolvers!  Let's work hard together!

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