Improve or be destroyed!! - Apocalypse 2013
Ok, so heres where im at ... The years are running away from me, soon I will be to old to make a career in art, and I have been stuck at the old, shitty level for far to long now. 2013 will be the year that either makes it or breaks it for me! Improve or die more or less!

This year, im planning on doing the following things:

1. 1 full illustration EACH week. No excuses!

2. 1 sketchpage made every day! No excuses!

3. Atleast 1 hour of studies every day. More if needed. All studies must be applied to work.

4. Get out of my comfort zone! Try to draw all kinds of things such as vehicles, monsters, animals, epic enviroments etc etc that im not rly good at.

5. Update, Crimson Daggers and my Facepunch thread every day, starting from now.

6. Fight to get the Daily Deviation on DA atleast once this year.

7. Go back and do ALL the bloodsports. If new ones start this year, I will always take part in them. I will also take part in as many challenges as possible on CA and CGhub.

Buisness-wise, the goal is pretty simple:

* Start earning money with art at some point during the year.

Well, theese are my goals I guess ... Cya in 1 year to see how I succeeded in reaching them... :@

Ambitious, that's great, keep pushing !

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
-Lao Tzu

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