Jordy's Art Stuff (video tutorial series starting from 0)
Thanks man :)

Art Stuff episode 15! Talking about specular reflections this time. Some slightly mindblowing insights - good for new or more experienced painters even!

Art Stuff episode 16 is up! About reflection, and I also added a exercise for people to use, check it out! Lots of fun and great practice.

Art stuff episode 17 is up! Illustration review/overview this time. :)

Art stuff episode 18 is up!! :) Simple Q&A Working on episode 19!

New episode is up! Advanced reflection

Glad you like it man! Art Stuff episode 20 is up! Whoohoow Mumbling about skin tones this time.

21 is up! Muscles of the arm :) using 3D sculpture to teach!

episode 22! Anatomy of the torso :)

Art stuff episode 23 is up! It's the timelapse of the daenerys targaryen portrait, with commentary

Art stuff episode 24 is up! I discovered something cool, little more advanced - colour and value theory related. I show the faults of desaturation when checking values, and how to see your true values in a painting. Good stuff for even some of the pros who might not know!


Art Stuff episode 26 is up!
It's the start of a brand new sub-series where I'll paint a portfolio illustration 100% realtime on screen, spanned over many episodes (already have 12 hours recorded!) including EVERY single step of the process like mindmaps, shooting ref, finding ref -- EVERY. THING!
This is gonna be a long adventure so be sure to subscribe and whatnot :)

Episode 27 is up! I blurt out all I know about wacom tablet / what to buy / why etc :)

Episode 30 is up! aww yiss 30 :)

More anatomy, legs and butt! Hope you like it, comments welcome etc etc

New "full illustration" (part 4) episode!

Art Stuff episode 32! Talking about talent and how to learn/path to becoming a pro :) Also broke 3000 subscribers, which is awesome!!

No gumroad paid-tutorial-content here, hope you appreciate that it's totally free :P though that might explain why I remain poor and still don't have a cast gold chair. I'm a bad businessman heh. Maybe I'll do some higher quality tutorials for like 5$ later if there's any interest :) (if so, what would you like it to be about?)

In any case, subscribe already!!

Art Stuff ep 33 is out! the study thingie of the orc :) Hope you enjoy!

After like half a year of downtime, Art Stuff episode 34 is up! :) Now with 100% more awesome microphone and 100% more mytiredface.

In the video I'm trying "Painstorm Studio" and talking about the future of art stuff & pitching a new show I might do. Check it out & leave some feedback! :)


Made a step by step (6 steps) guide on how to become an artist for Art Stuff episode 36! Hope you like it. Its all my opinion, of course - but yeah :D! Hope this might help some of you out there.


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