Lionsketch´s Sketchbook
Hello everyone!
have decided that i wanted to post my sketchbook with the crimson daggers :)
hope its fine, and if i have missunderstood anything please tell me.
I hope to improve with everyone and look forward to participate in the challenges!

To catch up with my blog and a introduction to me. :)

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Here are my submissions for a Competition called "Alt Recovery Program" S2 Games had for their game "Heroes of Newerth".
They had it over cristmas.
The three above won! Yay!

They ended up on their website. (Links)
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I hope its ok to post all this like this

Some Stuff from the week, and a last weeks Chow on Ca at the end :D

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New stuff from today and yesterday
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Haha, looove the happy car mech! :D

So many nice things in your sketchbook man :)
Hey Lion, great start man. Looking forward to see how you progress.
Ninjac: Thanks man! hope to continue to improve :)

Appeb: thx :)

A fur/Photo study started as a cute puppy, ended up a lord of terror. :)
Done with only soft roundbrush

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#7's "Caracther of the week" submission and environments, and the first environment is a submission the "New worlds" competition on Cghub

[Image: Chow%2523321+final.jpg]

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damn!, i love this sketchbook, Looking forward to see how u progress.

silverkeeper: Thanks man :)

CreatureForge submission on CGhub and a little more

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Yaay I'm so excited about this sketchbook because its starting to look really impressive. I love the shore adventure work - the atmosphere about it is just great. Also I like combination of colors you use and how clean they are. You have nice imagination of things and use different perspectives.
Keep up with amazing work and have fun : )

I love so much stuff from this sketchbook its crazy lol. I'll definitely be checking back here often!

LOL I love that Mario Bros. CHoW so much it's crazy!!
cool skb Lionsketch!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Loving your sketchbook dude, your little landscape sketches are really nice :) It's inspiring to see you translate things into your personal work.

Toxicpanda: Thanks man really kind words :D
Nylelevi: Thanks glad you like it!
smrrfette: Thax dude :)
lungcell: thanks man :)

Here is a little wow painting and some vehicles, i feel that i should start getting better with vehicle designs so going to start with some of these sketches

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Started to do morning vehicles (with Some fightPunch influeces) as warm ups and here are one of those and a princess with some wepon :)
and a bloodsports sketch but i think i will do a new one

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your sketches have really nice compositions, now you just need to do studies like crazy. :)
Keep this updated, i´m eager to see more!

great improvement on the vehicles. I really like the last set. Like eduardo said, studies are your friend now :)

EduardoGaray:Thanks man :) yea il start to do some more studys

Jaik: Yep thanks.

A submission for DrawingJam "The vampire slayer" on cghub. Blade is a badass. :D
And some vehicle sketches.

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Here is my wips for the Bloodsport

I love that blade image! Your golem is coming along nicely too.

Nylelevi: Thanks :)

My Bloodsports and some sketches

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