Lionsketch´s Sketchbook
Submissions for cghub stuff

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Here comes a big update got a Cghub competitions submissions and Enviroments

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Some new stuff for cghub competition and sketches and stuff

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here comes my new worlds and creatureforge submissions on CGHUB

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Flaming Rhino and knight study and some warm up vehicles sketches

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Some new personal stuff.

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A Paradise image with nods to the game Kingdom Hearts, and a Mulan remake with SciFi armor.

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Big update. :)
Got since it was a some time ago i updated i go for a big one.
Got some personal stuff, fan art, fake game cover and sketches.

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Hi, i have redone the two first old ones images here and then a longboard contest entry, and sketches.

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New Stuff

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First a quick painting study then one of my first attempt at 3d did him in the sculpting program Sculptris.

Then all art assets from my little summer game project i did in Rpg Maker VX Ace.

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Wow! Awesome sketchbook! Very inspiring. Nice to see the more loose sketches towards the end, the greek warrior woman is beautifully done :)

I can see you put a lot of effort into your work and you're pushing your paintings and concept art. Just wanted to stop by and tell you, great work in here. Massive improvements. That rpg project looks sweet too.
Dennis Kutsenko: Thanks man, you got great stuff too!

Angel_Intheuk: Thanks! really nice too here the nice words. :)

Decided to go back to morning studies.
Started with a John Singer Sargent.

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great sketchbook! only two pages and you can already see huge progress :D Love your gif step-by-step do you always start with perspective guide lines? Are they helpful for you?

Awesome Paintings Lion :)

I love the "Approaching Valhalla" Painting.

Prabu: Thanks!

Madzia: Thank you. I use perspective guide lines almost all the time now, i feel it might be a bit addictive. :) I think they help me very much when doing buildings and stuff. You got awesome portfolio BTW.

A new portfolio peice of The American Revolution and a John Singer Sargent morning study.

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I feel as if my eyes are about pop out from all the FREAKING AWESOME THEY'RE WITNESSING, SIIIRRRRR c8

Keep up the great work!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
i wish i had come here earlier, i love your work. i don't see much to critique , i think you are on your way to even more improvement. good luck :)

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