What's up, Crimson Daggers?
Hey everyone, I'm Bradley Dimock. I'm a visual development student studying at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. After hopping between schools and majors, taking full-time work, and having general after high school tumbles, I now feel that I'm on the track to fully work towards my dream of being a professional artist.

I knew of Crimson Daggers for quite a few years and was introduced to it by my brother (who also recently joined the forums), and I think that this will be a good move for the next step in my education. I don't post often on forums, but I hope that I will be helpful and insightful when I do.

I'm know that between my formal education, personal studying time, and all of your help, I can get this art train rolling into a career in the entertainment field. I have a graphic novel idea as well that I want to make as a labor of love, and everything that I learn from here can only help in that goal.

I do have a sketchbook here as well. Any feedback or suggestions on how to improve will be appreciated.

See you all on the forums and Livestreams (If I can catch them)!
Hi there, nice to hear you have graphic novel idea. Seen your sketchbook, just keep practicing that's all...

weapons and other props > http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-2683.html

For hi-res (original) images of these designs, please got to nenadgojkovic.deviantart.com
Available for freelance work, contact me via [email protected]

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