Vertical's sketchbook
Thanks dude! I don't think I'm all that diverse really, just cartoons and (sorta) realism when I do studies. :/
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I'm not getting enough work done...Maybe I should stream more. Would anyone watch though?
Needs more anime hair!

You could count link's hair as anime. I think.
Oh man I don't think I'm practicing effectively. crap.
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I see what you did there... In the last one, I mean. It's a neat composition.

Composition looks good bro, gotta finish this week! Get to it!

Thanks guys! It's gonna get done it's gonna get done IT HAS TO GET DONE

I hate school and my drawings from imagination fail. Here's some crappy sonics and a WIP.
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I'm calling the bloodsport entry done. So sick of looking at it...In the end I didn;t really change the style enough and adding color and shadows killed my composition. At least I did something "finished" and know what to study now...
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haha whhhyyyyyyyy.
I'm not entirely willing to work on this any more, so crits would be appreciated but probably never applied :/ is that a terrible attitude to have?
The characters just had to be in the picture; their size isn't an a problem at all. What could disqualify me is how close the style is to WW and how little room I left for text on the Ganon side.
Honestly I think scrapping it would be way to drastic, I really think it worked or at least wasn't terrible before I added colors and value..but you're right. I broke it. :C Regardless, I'm sick of looking at the thing and done working on it. Time to move on.
bump on the road's a great way to think of it! :D Thanks for the comment bro.

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Finally started using Kutsenko's advice and designed a terrible monkey character. Also some thumbs for a Grimm Brothers thing I'm gonna do for school.
Had a kind of lazy weekend :/ Here's some stuff I drew. I still need to draw from imagination more.
I gotta work on this composition

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Hi how are you...I`m stealing your log thing...awesum
Haha go for it! it gets really annoyign after 2 weeks but I guess it was good for keeping me on track.

uugh sorry to say but today was a fail. I did some stuff from life and worked on a dumb picture of a pirate girl cuz I noticed I redid and image I made in 2008 2 years ago and thought it'd be neat to do the same thing but I was too lazy to make a background or use references...
I need to study color and light and composition and auauagh!

I made no progress on the grimm Brother's thing. ugh. I'm going to sleep.

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I want to be good enough to make a lot of money from art by the end of June
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(03-19-2012, 01:33 PM)Vertical Wrote: I want to be good enough to make a lot of money from art by the end of June

We all want that, heh.

I love the princes/frog composition btw.
True...but I think I can get it! Just gotta put way more work into this.
Sorry for not posting for a while! hopefully this means I'm back :D

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gotta draw more Preston Blair, my cartoons are still sloppy.

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I have to start makign these illustrations way quicker
Then I'll have more time to work on cartoons and construction and stuff. I plan of finally teaching myself animation over the summer, I've had the survival kit for over a year but haven;t studied it much.
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sorry for the lack of updates. Uh. If anyone cares even XD
updating has become less important to me as of late. I think I want to transition to updating my blog and just my blog regularly. I'm still not used to blogspot though <_<
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Wow, lots of stuff! Love it all. Definitely gonna be a monster movin at this pace.

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