MF's SB.
Hey, Great Studys! awesome sketches! Fantastic Sketchbook! :)

Post 227 is really great, can see a real improvement from the start of this thread, keep it up.

Sketchbook | Deviantart | Blog

"The difficulties of not knowing are much greater than the effort of learning"
Hey man, thank you so much for the awesome tips and tricks. Superappreciate it!
Can't really come up with anything useful to say at the moment though.

I really like how far you've come with emulating the traditional look and ArtRage might help you even more with reaching even further. The progress shines through in the sphere-study here in your latest post. Do you paint with oils otherwise? Could be cool to see a comparisson!

You're ballin'

Thanks, guys.

Mo' studies and sketches

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You have a very nice sketchbook here your use of form and rhythm are beautiful. I also really like the brush you are using lately . it looks a lot like charocal to me :) however great work! i really enjoy when you are post updates :)
Oh shit, that last sketch of the monster lady is bananas. Awesome stuff as always man. More more more :)

Looking really kicking man!

Keep it up!

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
ogh wow. haven't been here in a while and you improved a lot. just keep hammering it mate!

Man, you. are. killin. it.

Also can't tell whats traditional and whats digital anymore, damn that brush of yours.

Try pushing a couple of images a bit further. Myself, I know I quit too soon, but its much easier to tell people to go for longer when I can sit safely behind this screen and not have to do it myself. But every time I have, it has really paid off and helped loads.. Maybe you do this (your pics aren't time stamped with how long they take) and if you do ignore me. Its just good to compare a "I pushed this as hard as I could" with an image you did the same with 3 months ago. Growth is a great motivator.

Jaik Thanks a lot, man. I'm definitely liking the set up I've got going on right now, so I'm glad it looks good to others as well. I definitely need to do more longer pieces. The worms vs cowboy thing took about 4 days to complete, but even still there is much more I'd like to be able to push with it. So I just study as much as possible to be able to push them further.

ramalooke - thanks, man

OtherMuzz thanks!

JakeB - glad you dig it, man, thanks

Elysium - thanks for the comments, man

Various studies tonight as well as a goofy ass 10 minute sketch. I got kinda lazy over the past few days with Thanksgiving and all, but I'm back to work.

I also need to check out all your SB's. I have a list to go through, so I haven't forgotten anyone.

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Great valuestudies man!
It's nice to see what you mean in practice. Just reached the end of Vilppu's Drawing Manual and he talks about similar ideas. Things like making the value-range in backgrounds uniform to bring the light forward. I can definitely see that here. Awesome :D

Since you use the mixerbrush so well I guess I can link this little gem. Which you might have already seen!

Thanks, man. I have seen that tutorial - good stuff and something I'll need to try out sometime.

Henry Yan study.

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aww yeah work dem Bridgeman studies mang. Last study looks pretty good.I think there might be some proportional issues but maybe the model looks like that ?Not sure.
Either way keep kickin dat ass.

Oh yeah, I fspent some time struggling with some proportion and even perspective issues, especially in the upper torso and lower legs. Not one of my better studies for sure.

amazing sketchbook mrfrenik. it`s great to see you improve!
Hey MrFrenik! I love to come back to your sketchbook after a some time and check out all this stuff you´ve been pumping out! Seriously it´s always a big motivation! As usual you have a very nice flow in your drawings. Along with your really good linequality they turn out very elegant. Great work as far as I can judge! There is no need to tell you to keep it up!

Matthias Kinnigkeit - Thanks, man!

constructicon - thanks, glad you enjoy it!

Only enough time at work for an alien sketch, but maybe when I get home I'll do a study before I go to bed. My creatures/random form designs are getting stranger, which I think is a good thing. You guys let me know.

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shit shit shit. that last figure drawing is sweeeet. I could use some tips from you on handling pencil and charcoal. It look like you could tech me thing or two. Awesome stuff!

ramalooke glad you like it, but I don't think I could give too much tips on how to handle charcoal for that drawing since it was all digital. :)

dragon-goat-man quick sketch thing

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(12-06-2013, 08:23 PM)MrFrenik Wrote: ramalooke glad you like it, but I don't think I could give too much tips on how to handle charcoal for that drawing since it was all digital. :)

[Image: tumblr_lvjr64QHtN1qk7hwl.png]


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