Tyger sketches
Thx for visiting! A lot of studies, can't hurt. Great idea with the sports gestures. Definitely good addition to posed figures and... less boring :)

It's a somewhat solitary existence, a bit like a lighthouse keeper throwing a beam out into the darkness, in faith that this action might help someone unseen.

BombMy Sketchbook (critique welcome)Bomb
I like those gestures. They convey movement and energy nicely. Try to do more of them and combine it with some anatomy studies. It should get nice results. Acctually I'll think of doing it myself xD. Keep working <3

@TonariNoPunpun Thanks much! I do need more imagination work.

@kerm Thank you!

@ramalooke Thanks, you are right. I should try to do more and develop some further.

In the meantime, some practice based on Gurney's color and light. Nothing pretty, just trying to get a feel for color, starting real simple.

I used the four skin colors he suggested, plus a pale blue opposite the yellow ochre, but first had to look up rgb values to use on computer. Hopefully they are close.
Titanium white, RGB 252,250,255
Yellow ochre, RGB 230, 176, 69
Cadmium scarlet, RGB 234, 75, 46
Ivory black, RGB 18, 21, 14

And one with orange, blue, white, and black. Not really a scene, just a color test.

Some of my practice from Sycra's "Foundations of light and shadow," which is a super helpful series.


The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


More color baby steps, thank you James Gurney. Picked 3 colors plus black and white, looked in the mirror, and spent an hour painting.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Definitely working hard here. Mixing three colours is definitely a good way to go by limiting your palette. Don't know whether you have seen it but Sycra has a pretty good vid on it as well.

Hope this helps :) The in yo face portrait exercise one on the last page looks great, just have to say :)

(12-01-2013, 03:21 PM)Jaik Wrote: Definitely working hard here. Mixing three colours is definitely a good way to go by limiting your palette. Don't know whether you have seen it but Sycra has a pretty good vid on it as well.

Hope this helps :) The in yo face portrait exercise one on the last page looks great, just have to say :)

Thanks Jaik! I hadn't seen that Sycra vid, and will check it out. Any and all color help is so very needed!

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Good stuff. I see you're studying light. Try to reinfore theory with some life paintings. I don't know the better way to improve you understanding of light and value. It also trains your will in not eating an fruit that you acctually painting xD. Keep working. peace!

(12-06-2013, 05:49 PM)ramalooke Wrote: Good stuff. I see you're studying light. Try to reinfore theory with some life paintings. I don't know the better way to improve you understanding of light and value. It also trains your will in not eating an fruit that you acctually painting xD. Keep working. peace!

Good idea. I started with a super simple still life. The color yellow (esp the shadows) really stumps me, so I tried painting a lemon on different colored surfaces.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Ah, lemons.. I remember doing a class which had the teacher saying 'go darker, you values are too light, especially in the shadow' It got to the point where I thought he was crazy, but I darkened it anyway, and he was right (surprise). Long story short, the colour yellow is a lot darker than everyone thinks. Can't comment on how you lemons are because I haven't seen the actual lemon and lighting set up, but the shadow values may be too light.
Not sure if it is the case either, but try dividing the page into the four colours and not having this fifth brown-yellow BG because it may throw off your colour judgement. Again, don't know if its the same for you, but the less colours you have interfering with one another the better you can simplify and really focus on the study.

Keep up the good work though :) and sorry if that was a little bit of a ramble

@Jaik I think you're right about the values being too light. Yellow shadows are so tricky!

It was a room with a lot of windows, direct sunlight on the lemon. The brown was sort of the color of my carpet, but you're right--I'll leave it out next time. It doesn't add anything.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Another lemon in sunlight, hopefully dark enough values now. Not sure about that core shadow color still. I tried looking at it through a hole punched in paper, switching out the white ground, holding the lemon fully in shadow, consulting "color and light," checking an orange...

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Nice colour studyin'! It's refreshing to see someone study colour so in-depth!

My only crits: the pure white ground and background of the study above. It's true that black is a neutraliser when it comes to pure colours, but sadly, so is pure white. Even if your subject is on a white sheet of paper, our computer screens glow an extremely harsh white when used so purely. Maybe reducing the background to a 75-85% white would be for the better.

And don't be afraid to vary your edges :D!

Keep experimenting and having fun!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
keep them studies coming :)
Good, nice, nice. Keep them coming. oh and maybe introduce some drape. drape is cool. everyone loves drape xD

Nice study, that lemon is looking better but I agree with Smrr. The light, it burns.
Try finding something white and something black, and putting them next to the lemon, then you have something to compare values with. It helps me occasionally, especially since the amount of values in real life is infinitely more than what you can get on a screen. Comparative values is the key.

Keep up the good work :)

@Jaik and smrfette Yes, the light did burn. Thanks for pointing it out.

@ramalooke Drape will come, thanks.

@Goblinegg Thanks!

Finally had a chance to edit the lemon in PS. Hopefully its less blinding, but maybe it's still not dark enough.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


The tablet wasn't working right today, so some pencil work. I hung my daughter's white baby blessing (sort of like christening) dress in the window and tried drawing the light coming through it. I was also trying to convey the thin gauzy material overlaying the dress, and trying to draw details, since I'm not a big detailer.

The light didn't work out so well. Maybe it would have worked better on the computer, or with more of a scene showing the light. Or maybe I should try a simpler subject. The gauze was okay-ish. The detailing was good practice.

Next time: simpler subject to focus on lighting.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Ohh the beginning is always hard. I found it to be most important to just get keep on doing the work consistently. You are going to make mistakes anyway even in your approches of choosing studies but that shouldn't discourage you.

Looking foward to see you improve on your way.
@Zipfelzeus: Thanks! I'll try to "fail faster," as they say.

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The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Life practice, trying to see the planes of the face for real, rather than just copying diagrams. The drawings are still shaky, but lighting the planes of the face is starting to make more sense.

The mirror was sometimes high up on a shelf, sometimes on the desk to get different head/neck angles.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb



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