A number of you will know me from CA and as I'm missing a decent art forum I'd thought I'd give CD a go (even though I hate the colours) and I have enjoyed some of the livestreams. As with any new forum that I join, I'll lurk around getting a feel of the place before pouncing.

If you want to know something about me, I'm a 52 year old accountant, who spends pretty well all my spare time drawing or painting - mainly daubs, but I hope I'm improving.
Oh, hey! I remember you from a long time ago on CA, I used to hang in the G-spot a lot (as The Whistler). :)

Hey and welcome to the forums!

Haha yes! I know what you mean about lurking and getting a good feel before actually joining a forum site.

It's great to hear drawing and painting is a huge part of your life!
I hope CD doesn't let you down, even though the colour scheme doesn't ring right with you.

Enjoy your stay and jump in! :D

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

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