BS5 - Progress Report
lol. Everyone was using the title "Bloodsport 5" So I shortened it to my favorite double meaning acronym and labeled this thread differently. I actually like seeing everyone's progress so I figured I'd show my own. And I'm mildly lazy when it comes to editing scans so forgive the entire sketchbook page... it's mildly related soo... >.>...

[Image: thumbssketch.jpg]
The bottom half are the composition thumbnails for the poster/cover ideas... The top.... well... That was just ....other stuff... >.>... I'm not really confident in any other style aside from the animes so I went back and did a restudy of the skeleton not focusing on details but on the shapes and positioning (If I render I find that I get too caught up in the details and neglect the big picture). And I HAVEN'T worked with muscles before so I did a muscle study of the face which I messed up in a lot of places. I made notes on what I need to keep in mind next time.

ANYWAY... This is all the thumbnails... so focus on those.... please.

[Image: Jan27-28.jpg]
Ignore the date... that is for another year long thing I'm doing. This is basically the comp I chose. (If you don't know what I picked by now, I fail miserably.) I was working out some brushes because I've never actually worked in this manner before and I wanted to get comfortable with it first so that's why I went into detail unnecessarily a bit on the hat and goggles. ANYWAY... what matters is I looked at this again and I think I'm going to completely change the foreground to add more depth. Paku and Sheeto's bodies are kind of facing the wrong direction so I'm just gonna start over on that. I'll probably come up with poses more to my liking that way anyway.
Changed the composition. Again... ignore the date. That's for something else I'm doing.

[Image: Jan30b.jpg]
Unfortunately I really am having a hard time figuring out which movie this is... are you sure it's one of the 9 canon films as listed on wikipedia?
Yes. It's Castle in the Sky.... Maybe I should lower the ground a lot more and make it so there is more sky in the actual pic. Also I intend to add clouds and shadows which will help.
Hey renet. I like the dangling high above the ground story you have going, high drama! Can I offer you a few tips? Firstly lose the date, its really garish and distracting. Secondly the circular oval element is destroying the depth, is that the castle? could also be a surfboard? Thirdly The fields below read but they should be less saturated as "atmospheric perspective" would come into play... Lastly you shoud probably concentrate on just black white and grey values for now on a small canvas for now. I make the mistake of rushing into colour too often and often get bogged down in a swamp of poor decisions. Photoshop colour adjustment layers mean that you can easily colour your work later on. I hope this helps, I look forward to seeing your progress :-)

Thank you so much for tips. The date won't be on the final product don't worry. It's more so for this 366 days of Drawing thing I'm doing and I date the stuff I finish for the day.

lol. The oval I intend to be Goliath which is basically a giant armored blimp, but if it really is destroying the depth I don't want that.

Unfortunately, I don't completely understand what you mean by color adjustment layers. Could you explain a bit more? I mean I know with the black and white you can do an overlay of color, because I've seen that done before; but I'm not sure if that's exactly what you are referring to.

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