Matrix Book of Scribbles
Some new stuff, now that I have time to draw more than work.

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Looking back at my work recently, I think a large part of what I see wrong is lack of imagination. Plus, the feeling as if I'm regressing backwards. Sigh...Thinking

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(01-31-2014, 07:14 PM)AyaneMatrix Wrote: Looking back at my work recently, I think a large part of what I see wrong is lack of imagination. Plus, the feeling as if I'm regressing backwards. Sigh...Thinking

Since it's been a while, I figure it would be time for an scribble dump!

Next batch of stuff.

Oy... Maybe I should have just included all of these in a single post?

AND, it appears that the forum is doing that automatically for me. WHOOT!Party

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Careful with that deltoid in the megazine cover illustration, I know shoulders kinda look like that sometimes but she isn't pressing it against her body so there shouldn't really be much deformation since the deltoid has basically no function when your arm is your point of support, it's basically all triceps.

Your sketchbook is going great, keep studying!

(05-01-2014, 09:27 PM)Gliger Wrote: Careful with that deltoid in the megazine cover illustration, I know shoulders kinda look like that sometimes but she isn't pressing it against her body so there shouldn't really be much deformation since the deltoid has basically no function when your arm is your point of support, it's basically all triceps.

Your sketchbook is going great, keep studying!

Ah, yeah, I see what you mean about her deltoid. In the reference photo, her deltoid is doing something similar, but it's nowhere near as pronounced as I have it in the illustration here. I went ahead and made some corrections and uploaded it below.

Thanks again for the comment!

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Some random doodles and some project sketches.

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Some older doodles, color experiments from today, and a minor update to a sketch I started some time ago.Bomb

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Has it really been that long since I've updated this area? Oy...

In that case, here's a little incoming flood of stuff I worked out after that last sketch set. Also, I've included some of the last scribbles from my sketchbook, which is something I do actively use and never really upload anywhere.Tongue

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hi ayane i like the efforts you doing in your digital paintings, just two tips: are you following some tutorials/step by step paintings in order to get yourself a technique?
i'd suggest you to watch livestreams if you're not doing it already!
your paintings are too saturated it hurts the viewer eyes to see such bright colors. when somebody watch your stuff it needs to be relaxing you know...:)
and for your drawings, it is really important that you keep practicing the costruction with shape and A.loomis like structure, also practice gestures with simple strokes to achieve the posture and to map shadows! check this guy out
PM me if you want some links!

(07-22-2014, 08:56 PM)martypawpaw Wrote: hi ayane i like the efforts you doing in your digital paintings, just two tips: are you following some tutorials/step by step paintings in order to get yourself a technique?
I'm actually painting without a tutorial using a method I picked up from my watercolor painting days. I normally do a b/w underpainting or drawing, then go over it with color. Though, in several of these, I have to reverse with having a solid color underneath and the b/w painting/tones set to overlay that since some programs don't blender well with colors. Photoshop is pretty close, but it shifts the colors way too far for my taste in many cases. Other times, it works well, as it does here.
Then again, I have like two color layers in this piece and adjustment layers to shift the colors where I want them to be. Ugh...
(07-22-2014, 08:56 PM)martypawpaw Wrote: i'd suggest you to watch livestreams if you're not doing it already!
I do already and have taken more to some artists that start their works with a base sketch with construction to see how others work out the starting details, of which I feel like I am lacking.
(07-22-2014, 08:56 PM)martypawpaw Wrote: your paintings are too saturated it hurts the viewer eyes to see such bright colors. when somebody watch your stuff it needs to be relaxing you know...:)
Oy... I just realized that after looking through my gallery with my adjusted monitor settings. Seems that by having my display set to a darker/dimmed state did reduce how I perceived the saturation of colors in my last few color pieces. Ack! Now that I see it, I'll have to be more mindful for future works.
(07-22-2014, 08:56 PM)martypawpaw Wrote: and for your drawings, it is really important that you keep practicing the costruction with shape and A.loomis like structure, also practice gestures with simple strokes to achieve the posture and to map shadows! check this guy out
PM me if you want some links!
Again, this is something I realize I'm lacking in. The only problem is that I'm currently in a fluster to finish my degree program, so it has been hard to get back into the basics of construction and gesture drawings when under a tight deadline. This has led to me doing studies and color painting experiments every other chance I have available and often forcing my to use photographic reference more than I should. Oy... Hopefully, when my classes are over, I can do a full rundown of the very basic information and make a definite push for better anatomy.

Thanks for the offer for more links. I think I have enough books on the subject, but I may contact you for more info. :)

So, I finished school and my last project was the finished piece at the top of the attachments below. I even had it printed for a 16x20 poster for my portfolio review! Party

The second one is more of an updated piece I posted here previously with some adjustments and fixes that I'm hoping to finish and print for an upcoming convention after I get back from Dragon Con. Oy... that week is going to be crazy for me.Meh

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Minor update: While I have "finished" that Medusa piece and printed it for a convention I attended after Dragon Con, I honestly feel as thought I rushed it and it now needs more things fixed before I can even justify trying to sell it again.Sad

Things to work on in the next pass:
  • Textures
  • Perspective
  • Visual interest
  • Colored Shadows
The last one is probably harder to pin down since it is more relative to whomever is viewing the piece at the time and not from myself. I mean, I drew what and whom I liked, but not everyone likes the things I do. Which brings me to my next point, the need for a companion piece which, in this case, is Dr. Stein. This was actually brought up at the last convention when a few women approached my booth and liked the piece, but pointed out that it worked better as a set rather than a single print. While I wanted to be disappointed in myself, it also made me start thinking about things I needed to focus on, especially after talking to another artist on deviant art and the pointed out the textures for the floor/rug. That and the perspective for the environment got a bit messed towards the end when I tried to correct things after the fact.Meh Shadow wise, I just need to start shading with color rather than straight black since that shifts things differently.

Anyway, updated image attached below.

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Not dead, but I really feel like I am as of late. Ugh...

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Another sketch that's a work in progress. This was more of a test using Photoshop CC's pencil brush with an erodible tip. Pretty cool overall, but hell, it's a bit of a pain to use.

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Minor update, cleaned up the drawing in Manga Studio and colored it a bit. I also started reworking skin tone in this particular stage since in a previous step the tones were not quite where I wanted them to be.

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