Marjorie's sketches
Thanks for all the crits n feed back
as far as studies i'm doing them everyday on top of client work. I forget to post and i usually just delete them after i'm done.
but yea i feel ya guys gonna keep it going with perspective studies along with everything else :)

heres some things from the other day
mostly scribbles n studies

[Image: 2BU0Qdg.png]

[Image: UApTYbc.jpg]

[Image: huJMkxs.jpg]

[Image: 0UYR9Sb.jpg]

Love the sketchbook pages! <3

Maaaaaaaaaaaaaark! ;)

Girl, you can paint @_@
The work you did for Paizo on page 10 are killer! I also love the tornado heads drawing (if you get me)

"as far as studies i'm doing them everyday on top of client work. I forget to post and i usually just delete them after i'm done."
pls no.

Anyways, looking forward to more updates ya busy bee!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Hey Marjorie! Nice studies! -sorry I missed you earlier today. -Forgot to turn of the stream when I went to a figure drawing set...derp. X\

heya guys thanks for stoppin by :)
heres some quick stuff. ones a quick character sketch for a client, and the other is just a cave from imagination...
i'll need to take sometime to do a proper update soon <3

[Image: AHFl9eU.jpg]

[Image: xtzBqkt.jpg]

looking cool marjorie, nice rocks

nice character sketches! could you share the brief you got for them? (if it's not nda or somethin) Also, do you have some tips for where to dig for fashion/clothing/armor etc. references? I got into fashion design a while a go and bought an infuriatingly overpriced fashion magazine for ref just because everything is so fragmented on the internet..
keep it up, keep getting better!

Hey, Jan! thanks!
umm the stuff brief wise- its just little bits from the story on the characters and a little of what my client envisions.
its good to also ask for a mood/ inspiration board from them, if they can give it to you all the better.
I really like to follow a lot of fashion blogs on tumblr. Pinterest is wonderful if you know what kind of outfits or time period you are designing for e.g. 40s/50s casual and WW2 accouterments.
i'd say, ideally, as you are working up the thumbs make sure to gather your own reference, and build up some sort of mood board for your illustration. in order to have a jumping off point, something to show your client if they are a little lost to get them in your head space and what you are thinking.

a good way to test this stuff out for yourself is to take a passage from your favorite book and make your own cover illustration. give yourself a deadline of 3 weeks and take it from there :) hope that helps.

and heres a bit of a sketch painting dump

dunno if i ever showed you guys but....
this is where i do all traditional work the paintings... nothing fancy
on the easel: being painted in holbein water soluble oils on gessoed masonite.
i'm a strong believer in rocking with what ya have art material and space wise.
and if i dont have a pen no problem i'll draw with my coffee (it works trust me)

[Image: ICb9jIGl.jpg]


face from imagination
[Image: dQ2hduol.jpg]

[Image: ZLDtEopl.jpg]

[Image: FWkD1yml.jpg]

painting stuff in watercolor (thinking of dagger designs) and yes one is inspired by chocobos because why not.
[Image: tlWNrHEl.jpg]

[Image: QbHi2Dbl.jpg]

[Image: nacF47vl.jpg]

[Image: OsZABcpl.jpg]

[Image: vcjpNF2l.jpg]

a close up shot on the oil experiment painting
[Image: OBWXmhPl.jpg]

[Image: 31C3oURl.jpg]

pen scribbles

[Image: DSvY5Nhl.jpg]

more watercolor stuff

[Image: orFFQZZl.jpg]

[Image: OyLPLQgl.jpg]

[Image: sN6WDmsl.jpg]

pencil stuff woooo

[Image: pm55eRNl.jpg]

[Image: ZXxoyNdl.jpg]

[Image: LIlkXzFl.jpg]

[Image: 3u3AVckl.jpg]

[Image: x2RuAGll.jpg]

[Image: tTxRB1Yl.jpg]

[Image: TjYYnKBl.jpg]

Great Stuff Marj, like the Water colors

thanks for the tips! I loooove that oil painting, maybe adding a sublte purple shimmer around the black foreground elements could add some love to it? I'm imagining something like this
you could make it some kind of raw obsidian with just a hint of purple underneath the shiny surface; you know like when light hits muddy water and the floating dirt is hit by the caustics. The purple would be so strong with all that yellow around it. Yours to decide ofc :D Must be kinda hard to pull off tho

Thanks guys for stoppin' by and the feedback n stuff i appreciate it :)

i'm still alive. working on stuff that i cant post.....
heres a scribble

[Image: aZN5YT6.png]

[Image: zZmTyr6.png]

Awesome trad stuff! You have that super Sky artbook collection, niiiiice~ For the latest character piece, watch out for that rather large empty space in the middle of the background!

hey mean thanks for the crit!
when i get a chance i'll fiddle around with the background n what not. :)

oh also just wanna let you guys know i'm gonna be trowing all my PSDs on gumroad (for free) for people to look at and stuff

[Image: ABOx52Il.jpg]

[Image: 668RSoR.jpg]

[Image: zTeeDrF.jpg]

[Image: NS4h9SW.jpg]

Really awesome work. You're putting out a lot of effort, studies, and different personal pieces-- All of which are great to see! I love your latest colour piece. It looks kind of holy, in a way. Keep at it! Thumbs_up


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out of the shadows to post a bit of a sketch/ study dump theres more where this came from...

[Image: l7cVha4l.jpg]

[Image: Tm0mqp0l.jpg]

[Image: dxTaGl6l.jpg]

[Image: 1ZSF2J4l.jpg]

[Image: s28NWyEl.jpg]

[Image: fvjWoLBl.jpg]


[Image: xto34IHl.png]

[Image: CwpVW9Xl.jpg]

[Image: CcrfPBLl.jpg]

Cool wips marj :D
Only critique I got is that the poses look a bit stiff, might not necessarily be an anatomy issue, but an issue with how you set up the composition.
Have you thought about doing studies from art featuring characters in dynamic poses(like League of Legends, some Marco Djurdjevic perhaps)?

thanks! yup you are totally right on the crit i'm gonna do some studies of marko for sure but also of just bodies in motion and then i'll return to the spooky vamp painting. :)

for fun fantasy version of beast (from x-men) wip...

[Image: 84lqmU8.jpg]

looking nice Marj, Wip those Wips.


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