Rob's Sketchbook
Hello Daggers,

My name is Robert Powell! South African born, Canadian raised digital artist looking to improve my skills and knowledge in the area of concept art and illustration. I currently specialize in creature design, above all, mainly due to my interests in creatures, animals, aliens, dinosaurs, monsters, of all shapes and sizes ever since I was very young... Any sort of helpful advice is welcomed, do not feel shy to leave a constructive criticism or comment!:)

Currently I am the moderator of Creature of the Week (COW) over on! Feel free to stop by if you feel like making some creatures! For those who may be unfamiliar with Cow, it is free to join in the contest so long as you have an account with! (which is free to join) Give the rules in the forum a good read and start designing!! Any skill levels, beginner to professional, is welcome to join in the fun!!

(Note: At this time Creature of the Week has reached topic number 300! There's still three weeks left before the deadline so there's still lots of time bust out some epic designs for this huge milestone! Click here to enter NOW!!)

To kick things off with my new CD sketchbook, here's some recent wips that I've been working on!

Attached Files Image(s)

sketches are good. keep it up.
Thanks, mate!!

Improved concept of the monarch!

Looking forward to seeing more sketches. The Marsh Creeper on your DA account looks great

Thanks, Ron!! Glad you like it!!

After much brainstorming (and hurting) I think this could very well be my final lineup for my colony creatures! Once I get done rendering these and I have time I may do a second warrior creature, but we'll see!

For any of those who are interested in creature designs, there is still plenty of time to bust out your designs for Cow 300 on CA!!

more more more =(

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
30 min speed concept...

thanks for the reminder darktiste!

new creature and a few unfinished wips...need to get back on the horse (no pun with the unicorn intended, well maybe)...

Sure you wanna ride that thing? ;)
Very nice, really enjoyed looking through your stuff. Got to keep the COW in mind, I could use some creature practice.

Thanks, Elif. Yeah it doesn't sound like such a good idea if you think about it haha
Def stop by if you feel the need to design some creatures...

30 min speedies...

Sweet critters dude! That monarch guy especially will be a badass, cant wait to see him finished! :)

Heya Rob! Glad to see you here :D
You can't go wrong with a rock-rhino, it has that obsidian vibe that echoed in the CoW challenge! Really dig it.

I think that I especially like the pieces where you mix characters and creatures. It makes them more believable in a way. Plus it has a juxtaposing effect with the weird and the ordinary. An example would be that shaman with the birds and your necromancer's familiar piece. Love them both!

Totally regret that I couldn't join CoW #300. But you pulled through all the way with your awesome colony. It sticks to the topic and creates a very consequent and darwinian design.
Great job man.

thanks guys!
Don't think you can say that I pulled through all the way with my colony since I was not able to finish them for submission.

New creature for this week's COW finished!

some more 30 min spitpaints!!


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