Bloodsports #5 - Mononoke
Here are my first sketches thinking in the composition of the image.
I like #5 but I feel like it's maybe over saturated and the image lacks action or dynamism imo. Any feedback will be appreciated :)

My vote goes to 5 or 7.
(02-08-2012, 02:25 PM)Samothrace Wrote: My vote goes to 5 or 7.

Thank you! I see some interesting points in 7 I didn't see before. I'll try to draw an sketch of 5 and 7 mixed later :)

#6 and then #5 are my favorites =)
Well, thanks to your comments I mixed 5, 6 and 7 and got this comp. I like it (feedback will be welcome anyway) but I spent too much time working on the composition and now I doubt I can finish it in time. I'll try it though, but if I don't like the result at the time of the challenge's deadline I'll finish it later anyway because I'm really excited about getting a cool illustration from this one :)

The comp is excellent!

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