14 day portrait challenge (day 2 feedback needed)
Hey all! I started the 14 day portrait challenge two days ago, and Istebrak gave me splended feedback on day one, but now we've landed at day two and I need feedback before I can start my third piece! Just in case, I will post my day one portrait aswell, there is some things about the day two portrait I don't like (I liked working with a rougher brush better), but I didn't have time to redo it, so I'll be trying my best today/tomorrow!

Day one:
[Image: Bald_head_front_day_1.png]
Day two:
[Image: Day_2.png]
The feedback for day two is the most important right now, it can be anything about the picture. Thanks so much in advance!
Ok what i would say (in my very humble 'never-done-portaits-in-my-life' opinion), i think youve really improved the image with istebraks help, and i can only pick out a few small dedails.
Firstly, you gotta think about the light around the mouth- i think it should be darker or at least not as bright as you have it here, because the bits besides the dark bits of the mouth are a bit too pale in value. Which brings me onto that i think the dark bits are too big, i would blend them a bit more and reduce the big black dots, but not too much.
The lower eyelid on the left does not match the one on our right, the one on our right looks a bit too puffy i think, and the other one perhaps a little 'stuck on'. Somewhere in the middle between the two would be perfect I think (sorry if i came off really horrible then!!)

I would continue the eyebrow on our left a bit more too, and make sure its in line vertically with the other one.
The nose is fantastic, great job there, and the lips are really great too! Awesome job!
Perhaps the brow would get a bit more light? just above the eyebrows, also i think the tip and a bit of the bridge of the nose may get a bit more light too, as below the nose the light is very strong on the lips. I would liven up the tip of her nose a bit at least.

In all honestly, im nitpicking hugely. Its a really great effort which is far above the standard that i could do, great job broseph :)

Soooo I have some explaining to do in terms of why she has hair and a shirt on, but I live streamed the whole paint over on a video for you.

You can watch that here: http://livestre.am/4LMzG

Livestream Crits/Paintovers: www.twitch.tv/mike086
Loomis Study videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/mike086

My Facebook page: MCIII
Aah, I didn't see that until now! Thank you so much for the paintover, I'll watch the video as soon as I get back from school! ^^

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