Art Rants Episode 3
Thanks guys :) this is a fun thing to do and i hope nobody takes it too seriously tho.
just working on them writing skills.

My Sketchbook

I shall live forever or die trying.
(05-12-2014, 01:03 PM)vansty Wrote: Thanks guys :) this is a fun thing to do and i hope nobody takes it too seriously tho.
just working on them writing skills.

I made an account just to reply to this thread, I really liked your tutorial on studying, the redoing it from memory part is where I've really been slacking and it definitely slows your progress down.

In terms of art school I'm at a crossroads now, I just completed my first year and am now at summer break looking for work, I figure if I find a job I should cut my losses and quit school to pay back all of my loans.

My only probably is than I could only realistically study 30 hours a week unless I start to sacrifice sleep which is unhealthy and may actually hinder your art progress.

I'm not sure what to do at this point, if I don't go back to art school I feel like the time I take to become a professional artist will increase by years as in art school I can practice 60-80 hours a week . If I do go back however I will be swamped by debt I will have to pay off.

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