Danger Zone
This is aweeesome. I don't usually enjoy midget type characters (lol) But this one looks so nice. And those flying gear pieces that come out from the explosion in smoke are a very nice touch. Overall awesome.

I like the idea you had for the card itself too tbh.

sick update man. i love this new illustration of yours <3

@Adrian Thank you! Yea, gnome characters aren't very well developed for who knows why.

@ramalooke thanks rama, glad you liked it.

Did a quick doodle before bed.

[Image: 4smQ2Yf.png?1]

Your stuff is looking SICK, Rafa!
I haven't logged in in several months, but I had to just to say that. Keep it up!

EDIT: Actually I flipped through your work here and on your blog and I thought I might drop a suggestion, too!
Your work is really solid and shippable -- however you are definitely best with your linework and values. (That's the more important stuff, though, so awesome place to be!) I'm noticing that you don't really have as good of a handle on either texture or color.

Texture: All of your forms read really well with how you do your value break-ups and shading, but pretty much everything has the same texture quality to it. Even your hair, which is slightly textured, seems to be somewhat of an afterthought where you do some loose strokes to indicate the texture difference.

Examples: Hair && Distress

Artistically, and compared to the level to which you bring everything else, the lack of thoughtful texture mark making leaves a little to be desired. I can definitely see the individual brushstrokes laid on top of the piece, and while your work is "painterly" in the blizzard WoW sense, if I was looking at that shoulder armor without the brushstrokes I wouldn't really think about how I was looking at a painting but rather a depiction of the object -- whereas with the scratches on top of it, I immediately think about the brushstrokes that I'm seeing. They aren't integrated into the rendering. With the hair, you tend to do solid shape blocks that feel more like a clay block-out than soft hair -- and in shorter areas where the texture is more defining than the shape it's done again with loose indication.

Again, in this piece: Buff Dude
Everything has that smooth, clay texture. This guy is a buff dude, there's something a little off about his perfectly hairless body. I'm guessing this guy is an underwear model with a waxed body, and that accounts for this, but nonetheless a lack of clear or extremely different textures is something I've noticed is pervasive in your work.

That being said, these pieces do work stylistically and they are solid pieces that get the point across.

Color: Another thing I'm noticing in your work is a tendency to block out your local values in masses of single colors.

This is a crutch, particularly for skin where we should be seeing a lot of color variation to give that sense of life.
Girlie Boyboy girlie2.0

In general, these skin tones are falling flat for me. I do see a /little/ bit of variation, like boyboy's cheeks being redder, and girlie2.0's forehead is more yellow than the bottom portion. I'm not seeing the full yellow/red/blue transition in any of them -- particularly where the facial hair involved, it would really boost the indication of stubble if you had the bluer color around the jawline whereas it seems you've just painted hair over the yellowish skin tone. In general, though, I think you could push it a lot more and still end up with a perfectly reasonable result.

Even in general, a little more color variation across all your forms might give a more visually interesting result!

And again, that being said, you do have a color sense and in any given image, all of your colors will work together. It would just be really nice to see more variation!

I know you're really big on improvement and always working hard, but your art is already really solid in a lot of the respects you practice the most! I'd love to see you focus more on texture and color, especially studying and pulling this stuff from life. If you could nail this stuff, it would bring your work to the next level.

@Vicianus Thank you very much for the feedback, I will keep them in mind!

Made another entry for the hearthstone contest, and let's see how it does!

[Image: 7r0gRjM.png?1]


Haha, that goblin rocks some serious socks. Great job, man. Hope you get into the finalz ;)


 Join our Study Group: The Velvet Revolvers!  Let's work hard together!
Great sketchbook, I really like your style! :)

love ur style too .3.

Wow, I am new here so this is my first post on these forums, I have just started looking through your sketchbook, admittedly I have only been through a few pages so far but your work is incredible, very inspiring for me. Really love the style too. Keep up the great work.
You should stream or do some videos sometime :D so we can see ur process

great work man, that long post by Vicianus sais most if not all of the critique I would have too.
One little detail about that goblin with the rocket-knife: you painted his teeth as if they were one solid volume with the line for the teeth cut into it. but teeth are like scissors (if they aren't deformed) so one row is behind the other one. Other than that it is really pleasing to look at your work.

Please help me getting better by checking out my sketchbook

HOMEPAGE http://floart.weebly.com
Man you're incredibly inspiring!
Killer lighting in your work, thank you for existing Rafa haha

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3465.html SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits! http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7879.html
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
@Bookend Thank you! Sadly I didn't make it. :(

@-echo- Thanks!

@NinoKitteN Thanks! Maybe some day, I've never streamed before actually.

@learningasidraw Hey, welcome to CD! Hope you like the stuff around.

@Flo Thanks Flo! Didn't understand the teeth part, could you show an example or paintover? I admit it wasn't very thought out.

@smrr Thanks smrr, my mom says that as well! lol

@Fedodika I'm back! Sorta.

Took a break from drawing and PC for a bit, have been drawing on my sketchbook lately and I'm too lazy to take a photo/scan.
Here's something I brew today, I'm just gonna have fun from now on, no more rushing.

[Image: dLrCEL1.png]

And something from last month.

[Image: svx6I6T.png?1]

I really like the loose brush strokes in that last one of the orc chick. I must say, you paint green people exceptionally well, sir!

I was already wondering where you were... good to know you are back :) happy new year~
So glad you're back! <3 You probably know that I'm DYING to see the stuff from your sketchbook, do you?
Love the giraelf, really digging the shapes here.

Having fun and no rushing sounds great to me. Gonna do the same. Last year I put so much pressure on me it really backfired at some point. I wish you all the best for this year, rafa!!


Rafa's back! Rah rah!

Rafa is back and now he's gonna kick our art asses with his pieces, we better prepare ! :p

Shin's Sketchbook ▼ ▼ ▼Patreon ▼ ▼ ▼ dArt
Missed ya on here, man. It's been cool seeing your stuff blow up on the FB pages.

The work is really getting on that tight, clean, and professional level! It's going to be exciting to see where it all goes! :]


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