Prototype Showreel is up for critique
Any crit and feedback on this prototype show reel is appreciated... I made it using only still images of some old science illustrations I did many years ago.

The images all seem blurry when moving, and rather gives me motion sickness. Probably because they're 1.) close ups, or 2.) moving too fast. It seems I need to prolong the still frames. Beyond that, anything on which-ever aspect of this reel is up for crit, so stabbidy-stab time on this piece of meat, daggers! Happy stabbing.

Yeah slow down those moves and wipes...maybe even by as much as two times. You don't need to zoom in so much and track so far across each image, maybe minimize your lateral moves and, just do a slow movement or very slow zoom in or out to keep a sense of movement. You could use insets to show detail if you really want to, but it's probably unnecessary.
The moves are also really maybe look at your frame rate? What software are you using?

Show your details at the beginning for much longer, make the font and title overlay bit more professional looking, it's kinda powerpointy atm.
Nice drawings btw. If they are science illustratiins, why not subtitle each image with the scientific names of the things and maybe where they were published if they were.

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(03-14-2014, 08:04 AM)monkeybread Wrote: Yeah slow down those moves and wipes...maybe even by as much as two times. You don't need to zoom in so much and track so far across each image, maybe minimize your lateral moves and, just do a slow movement or very slow zoom in or out to keep a sense of movement. You could use insets to show detail if you really want to, but it's probably unnecessary.
The moves are also really maybe look at your frame rate? What software are you using?

Show your details at the beginning for much longer, make the font and title overlay bit more professional looking, it's kinda powerpointy atm.
Nice drawings btw. If they are science illustratiins, why not subtitle each image with the scientific names of the things and maybe where they were published if they were.

I'm pretty sure I rendered out at 25fps using Premiere Pro. When you say powerpoint-ish do you mean because it's just a text on a shaded box?

Thanks! They were not published, they were all just practice drawings, and I only have some of their scientific names on the back of the paper. Small stuff like the pine cone or iris sketch were found objects that I don't know the species of. Would that inconsistency of sometimes having the scientific names and sometimes not look bad, should I choose to include them?

Ahhh, perhaps it is the way the video rendered out, I'm not sure, but for me some of the image moves stutter. If it doesn't happen for you maybe it's an issue on my end?
Yep, sorry the transparent box with the huge lettering over a picture of a flower is a little bit like a default powerpoint slide. Maybe use a sans serif font of some sort, or block serifs are quite nice. You could remove the image altogether and play with just a simple plain background with your contact stuff in the middle. Simple and to the point. Or maybe a mosaic bg of all your drawings a bit like drawcrowd?

Ok so probably best not to bother with any subtitles then. Is there a specific reason you are pitching this kind of work only? Not a crit, just curious. :)

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(03-15-2014, 04:54 AM)monkeybread Wrote: ..... Is there a specific reason you are pitching this kind of work only? Not a crit, just curious. :)

I'll note those and either make the changes on this one, or on the next one that will use video clips, which is also the original goal. Thanks a lot MB!

Simple reason really. I've never made any video so starting with 2D still images seemed a good way to start and learn, and make some kind of Proof of Concept piece before making what I really wanted to make (which uses video clips I will have to render). I happen to have this collection of Science Illustration from trying the field out before. They have a clear focus as to what they are, whereas all my other stuff are scattered and do not fall under a clear group. Unfortunately that also speak about the kind of artist I am... The only reason I did not pursuit Science Illustration further was because my patience ran out after months of doing nothing but meticulous, measurement-correct art that took at least a week to do each. Otherwise, there's actually a certificate program nearby for this (was it Science or only Botanical I forgot).

Ahh ok cool. It's a good idea to give it a go, creating a reel is fun...I also would like to do more with 2d or 2.5 d motion images myself, so perhaps it is time to pull the finger out and just do it! I wish I could help you with more specifics for your reel. I had a 3d demo reel from 10 years ago that I made when I got out of my animation course...but it was total rubbish. I still got a job doing 3d straight out of the course, more based on my reputation at the school and a mate at a studio though. Haha.

Hmm you've inspired me a bit to consider jumping into motion graphics again :)

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(03-15-2014, 10:09 AM)monkeybread Wrote: Ahh ok cool. It's a good idea to give it a go, creating a reel is fun...I also would like to do more with 2d or 2.5 d motion images myself, so perhaps it is time to pull the finger out and just do it! I wish I could help you with more specifics for your reel. I had a 3d demo reel from 10 years ago that I made when I got out of my animation course...but it was total rubbish. I still got a job doing 3d straight out of the course, more based on my reputation at the school and a mate at a studio though. Haha.

Hmm you've inspired me a bit to consider jumping into motion graphics again :)

What kind of motion graphics are you thinking of making? What exactly is 2.5 D?

It's often reputation and knowing someone that gets you in a place, I've found. But sometimes a strong reel along without even a coverletter will push you through the door (like a friend of mine). I'm starting to touch up 3D stuff from school and see how to make a 3D reel now. Fortunately I bought a new laptop recently, and managed to get half of the required softwares "free" with student ID. The few other that I had to buy were painfully expensive.....

2.5D is when you use 2d images to simulate 3D environments. So for example projecting 2D paintings onto really simple 3D geometry (done for matte painted shots which don't require a lot of camera movement). They do this a lot for movies when you are looking at establishing shots of places that aren't real. They don't always build it all in 3D, often it is just painted with some effects to simulate the 3D.

I don't really want to go back to modelling in depth scenes but using some of my 3D knowledge to bring my painted environments a bit more to life would be fun.

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