please help me with some critique on this
It's very hard for me to draw architecture and I need some ffedback to figure out what I'm doing wrong and to improve.Any advice will be of great help Thanks!

[Image: 9ufphrZ.jpg]
Hi, Nice colosseum building. I don't know much about architecture so I can't help that part. IMO I think the red flag looks kinda off if they not blew in the same direction. Anyway nice drawing







Thanks that you noticed the flags. I haven't paid attention on that at all. Thank you for your help.
The main thing I would point out here are the symmetric elements really throwing it off. The banners wouldn't blow in opposite directions like that. The front entrance columns look a little flat also, they sort of melt into the ground taking away their dimension. Perspective it looks relatively sound though. Consider perhaps making the entrance a little more grand, right now it just looks like another hole in the wall like all the others going around the building, but with a frame. Shrinking the other windows and entrances would help create a stronger sense of scale, a Colosseum like that would hold tons of people, it should feel like it would when looking at it. Hopefully that helps a little, I be no means know much about architecture, but that's what stood out to me when looking at it. Good luck!

here's simple cylinder from blender. You will not get medal for not using 3d objects don't be afraid of using any help especially if you don't know what is wrong in your picture. First thing that strikes me is you don't have 3th point of perspective, all vertical lines are parallel. the columns are in wrong intervals. Entrance is in wrong perspective. But mostly I don't know what you want to achieve? is it concept of the building? As an illustration you should avoid central composition and symmetrical elements cuz they make it look absolutely boring.

(03-18-2014, 09:20 AM)Madzia Wrote: here's simple cylinder from blender. You will not get medal for not using 3d objects don't be afraid of using any help especially if you don't know what is wrong in your picture. First thing that strikes me is you don't have 3th point of perspective, all vertical lines are parallel. the columns are in wrong intervals. Entrance is in wrong perspective. But mostly I don't know what you want to achieve? is it concept of the building? As an illustration you should avoid central composition and symmetrical elements cuz they make it look absolutely boring.

Thanks, the composition is boring and with the third vanishing point looks more natural. I'm going to fix all that soon.
I agree with Madzia about the third vanishing point. You had it before, but it was above the building instead, so it made it look like it was laying down. Also, figure out where your horizon is. In the original image, it looks like the building and the trees are headed toward different horizons.

Sketchbook  :::  Site

[Image: 1ohKCBIl.jpg?1]
The coliseum actually feels kind of small in this last update. If you mean it to be titanic, maybe reducing the size of the trees and the snippets of buildings next to it will make it feel bigger. Also, if those snippets of buildings don't have a meaning to their presence, it might be better if they're not there at all, or include more of them so they can be identified as what kind of buildings.

Heya, just a quick point; I think you struggle a lot with understanding how to construct a good perspective grid. This is fundamental to environment design, but especially to architecture. If you don't know how I recommend looking up resources for how to construct 1, 2 and 3 point grids properly.
I recommend you don't go for a distorted FOV (Field of View) like you would get with wide angle camera lenses. To be blunt, you don't have the knowledge to pull it off with construction methods yet. Just do a simple 3 point grid.

Also if you are having issues with scale or perspective or anything....always always use reference. Don't suffer through trying to figure out something you haven't done before and expect it to come naturally out of your head.

Quick google search of "colloseum" . Use the perspective and scale cues of the reference as a base plate or to reverse engineer your own viewpoint. There's no 'cheating' in that.

[Image: colosseum-2%5Bbig%5D.jpg]
[Image: rome_colosseum.jpg]
[Image: 8835415-colosseum-roman-architecture.jpg]

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Thanks, I'll try to apply your advice.
[Image: GC5qGzK.jpg]
Oh hell yes! This is what taking and applying feedback well looks like! Great improvement. :)
I think next steps are to really refine the sketchier elements around the focal points so it integrates with the rest. The trees and road could be tightened a bit too, not by adding detail, but by simplifying your shapes to the accurate essence of f what is there, without taking away focus from what you want. I'd also then start to think about injecting some life into the place, people, movement etc. I also think you should do some drapery studies for those long cloth banners before you paint them. They need to really work to sell the focal point.

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Thank you, I find all your advice very useful. Helps me a lot!
Such a huge improvement!

Sketchbook  :::  Site

NICE! To push the size point even a bit further, you can add a copy of those birds, but much smaller, next to and overlapping the Colosseum. This way we get a sense of space (some birds bigger and closer up, and some smaller, further back away from us but closer to the building), and the smaller set of birds will really sell the building size because we all have a general idea of how big birds in civilized, populated areas are.


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