Bookmark designs
I have a volunteer project for the temple to design series of bookmarks for adult audience, without showing obvious religious themes. Since graphics design is quite foreign to me, any feedback from you guys would be of great help to me. These are the first 2 so far. Do you like any of them? What do you like and dislike? Any suggestions for series idea (like 4 Seasons, etc)?

I like both, I think I prefer the one on the right. It has more white space and natural imagery that suggests spirituality without stressing a doctrine. It does draw more attention as well. Can't really suggest anything else wrt to your brief. The fonts and stuff work fine as well. It's clean work. The colours and design on the other one are a bit "muddy" so maybe not as good.

Just because you're doing it for free doesn't mean you can't exercise those juices. Go with the theme and the shape of the nookmark and font arrangement, even materials. How about printed transparency strips for example?

Use each project to stretch, it's your perogative really..

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They gave me 0.5 day to do last week's and that didn't happen except the translation to English part. This week I'm cheating and using free vector online for the bg and just make a new frame so I can get on with other stuff... still brainstorming for what to draw for next ones. it me or is it hard to keep jump-brainstorm from one project to another and another?


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