potangko's sketchbook
Hi everyone. My real name is lei. I just started getting serious with art last year, but I have drawn ever since I was younger. I was always told it wasn't sensible thing to do. Now, I think I may be old enough to suck it up and follow the art path. I keep falling back to it no matter where I go anyway. :)

I'm mostly on the traditional phase right now, trying to test the digital waters here and there. My main focus right now is values, perspective and form. Nice to meet everyone. The forum has so many intense and driven artists. I think it's the right environment to be in if one wants to get better. :)

First time doing ink drawings. I was shocked by the permanent-ness of this medium.

Perspective and value studies/sketches. Not sure if I should call these "perspective" studies because they are very loose and I was focusing on how to compose a picture with various kinds of backgrounds. I have a hard time visualizing backgrounds so I thought this exercise would help me improve

Digital Painting Traipses

Happy Easter everybody. I'm back with the grand bulk of the my leg studies.. I think I have a better grasp of the legs now (I hope so at least)

I think I'll tackle the back anatomy next.
Not doing much studies recently because I got bogged down with work, but I think I'm slowly getting the hang of the face.

[Image: girl-practice-small_zps64f96a75.jpg]

But still horrible on the landscapes. So I did tiny thumbnails to train my eye to see it in space. I think this is important.

[Image: landscape-daily_zpsc9a51923.jpg]

Digital Painting the form

[Image: life-day01_zpse66285f5.jpg]

Master Study of Rocks and stuff o-o

[Image: landscape-master_zpscf8e46eb.jpg]
Hey guys, haven't updated for a long time because I got busy with unrelated work. Also, my old scanner broke so it was a pain to photograph my sketches and edit/post the images. I got around to doing them though. They've been piling high haha.

Face and anatomy studies. Focusing on the gesture now and the silhouette. The face is giving me a hard time, especially the placement of the features.
[Image: NewDoc51_2_zpsbb795088.jpg~original][Image: NewDoc51_3_zpsf21e4ec9.jpg~original][Image: NewDoc51_4_zpsdd2e66da.jpg~original][Image: NewDoc51_51_zps703bb1a5.jpg~original][Image: NewDoc51_6_zpsf0494f20.jpg~original][Image: NewDoc51_7_zps04729139.jpg~original][Image: NewDoc51_9_zpsd0c6b48a.jpg~original][Image: NewDoc51_10_zps685473fe.jpg~original]
Watercolor on the left, oil on the right. I finally gathered enough courage to use my student-grade paints and make some basic shape studies. It shows the progression of my first study to the last blank page (I didn't do any recently because the turps are making me a bit sick haha). I'm saving up for an oil painting workshop because I think it will help me understand how the paints actually work.
[Image: NewDoc51_11_zps6320a245.jpg~original][Image: NewDoc51_12_zps7bd79fe6.jpg~original]
I haven't posted for quite a while! It's been really hectic with work plus the additional burden of oil painting class. This is a recent painting using Flemish Technique:

[Image: 04_zps4becdc7c.png~original] [Image: 06_zpsb0767612.png~original]

I've also had my first ever Life Drawing Classes last week. Busted my hand during the event so I wasn't able to finish anything. My hand had to be placed in ice overnight. Lol. Advice for the beginner painter: Don't paint for 10 hours straight!!
[Image: 08_zps3574d740.png~original]

I've also bit the bullet and made my own Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/ameliori, owing to the past conversation with the other artists about being more aggressive about marketing yourself and your art. It also helps that people in general have been really supportive. Drop by some time! :)
Yeah more traditional artist on CD! You guys are all lurking, we need to BAND! Nice life painting - lots of energy but the form is definitely there! How long is the reclining nude? I've never painted in life session before, only drawn, or ink and brush. Also what's Flemish Technique?

Lovely paintings you've got there, I particularly like the one of the figure, I think stylistically you could make that loose, painterly look work.

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