I still can't get that armour feeling,the material doesnt look good >.< any tips? what brushes do you use when painting armour ?:) thanku
[Image: knight_arm_study_by_kammao-d7ekqcx.jpg]
ref:[Image: tumblr_n3ys7v3EoK1sj3ka9o4_1280.jpg]
Generally the brush isn't important, I think your problem lies in in your understanding of values (scale of dark to light).

Metal has a very high contrast and reflectivity, try turning your reference to greyscale and also your study and compare the values. The armour is very shiny (very high lights on the value scale) and reflecting the enviro and colours around it. Try also squinting your eyes at the ref to catch the value shifts and the value range and do the same with your image and you'll start to see where to make lighter etc.

Thanks a lot , i've tried to correct it by listening to your advice. it looks better :p
[Image: study__armour__metal_by_kammao-d7el7yu.jpg]
You have good eye for details there on the armor. Nice rendering! A bit too early for the details maybe. Material definitely looks shinier, but has a tin or aluminum feel to it. You need to make some of the bigger edges sharp and clean to make the material seem and feel like hard steel armor. Just some. Run a test by saving a JPEG copy, make it small, and paint over that using a hard edge brush, so you can see how that look and feel quickly. The longer you drag the painting process out, the more you'll feel like the sharp edge looks wrong and start smoothing things out.

I'm not good at painting armor either, and never in color, but I gave it a try at paintover. If nothing else it should show what I mean by sharper edges...

Thanks a lot !! The paint-over really is suggestive,i can clearly see my mistakes and what you pointed out in your advice.I'll go and study more on armours Insane, ecstatic thanks a lot again for your advice+paintover

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