06-26-2014, 11:15 PM
Hey all!
I'm a software developer by day, so when I wanted something to keep track of all the studies I wanted to do I put together a little website to help me keep on top of things. I've been using it for a little while now, along with a few people I know and figured some people here might find it useful.
The link: http://artbetter.net/
It's kind of part todo-list, part image gallery. You pick which type of study you plan on doing (like portrait sketches, landscape sketches, master studies, etc), and how many of that study you plan on doing in the next week or month. You can then post your studies, and it keeps track of how far you are through your schedule.
You can upload images directly through the site to a connected tumblr blog (I use a private tumblr blog for it myself), just paste in a url to an image, or select one of your recent instagram images if you connect your instagram account.
I don't actually store any of your images (to keep my costs super low), or any passwords (you log in with facebook, twitter or google), there is no advertising, and I don't even have google analytics hooked up to it! I just hope it might be useful to people.
I'd really love to hear if this would be useful to people, or what I could change about it to make it more useful, or align better with how you study.
A screenshot of what it currently looks like:

I'm a software developer by day, so when I wanted something to keep track of all the studies I wanted to do I put together a little website to help me keep on top of things. I've been using it for a little while now, along with a few people I know and figured some people here might find it useful.
The link: http://artbetter.net/
It's kind of part todo-list, part image gallery. You pick which type of study you plan on doing (like portrait sketches, landscape sketches, master studies, etc), and how many of that study you plan on doing in the next week or month. You can then post your studies, and it keeps track of how far you are through your schedule.
You can upload images directly through the site to a connected tumblr blog (I use a private tumblr blog for it myself), just paste in a url to an image, or select one of your recent instagram images if you connect your instagram account.
I don't actually store any of your images (to keep my costs super low), or any passwords (you log in with facebook, twitter or google), there is no advertising, and I don't even have google analytics hooked up to it! I just hope it might be useful to people.
I'd really love to hear if this would be useful to people, or what I could change about it to make it more useful, or align better with how you study.
A screenshot of what it currently looks like: