My Daily Studies
Some anatomy studies I did today from

Got a fever Tuesday and Wednesday so unfortunatly it wasn't productive at all... today I was a bit bad but I could pull off these =)

Some stuff I did today, didnt have much time =)

jpeg seemed to blow up the values on this one, It wasnt looking so dark on the psd file =/

2hour cloth study
[Image: attachment.php?aid=1930]

[Image: attachment.php?aid=1929]

[Image: attachment.php?aid=1931]

[Image: attachment.php?aid=1932]

Some value/color studies (more or less 1 hour each) and then a line study applying muscles underneath. Already got some feedback about it and will do before the muscle layer a skeleton layer on the next study =)
[Image: attachment.php?aid=1934]

[Image: attachment.php?aid=1935]

gesture and anatomy study =( have such a hard time with skin tones

[Image: attachment.php?aid=1933]

lately I havent been doing as much as I should So I'll try to pump my productivity again and try to keep this sketchbook updated =( I think it's kinda motivational also =)

a 2h (a bit more I think) color study that I was gonna expose skeleton and muscles underneath... but I had to do a skeleton study (traditional media) which took me wayyy too much time (fuckin tons of bones -.-) so I'll give it a shot tomorrow

awesome stuff man, keep at it

@brenthollowell thanks man will give my best =)
Stuff I did today =)
some gestures (first 1/3 is 15 sec posemaniacs, then 2 hour pixelovely drawing tool)

a fat guy study for the bloodsports

more stuff today

30- 60 mins gestures (rest in other layers that I am to lazy to set up properly XD, but all small times so no big deal)

and a wolf study some of the crimson guardians group did today =) I started it later so it was about 2h- 2h 30min didn't reall count it

took some action towards the bloodsports finally (just doing studies wont get me a portfolio I guess XD) did some pages of thumbnails, comp sketches and a brainstorm (words)

then went on photoshop to doodle around a bit more (I'm a bit tired so I went to value really fast), tomorrow I'll sketch some more since I got some more Ideas I'd like to explore more

Good work here! Nice figure drawings and good idea taking a sumo fighter as reference for the fat wizard :)

@isra thanks man ^^ yeah I moved on to sumo cause I wasn't finding any good fat boy ref

anyway here goes my stuff, usual gesture + color study

And I forgot to check the 2hr drawing tool on pixelovely so I ended up doing tons and tons of 30 second drawings until I realized it wouldnt change -.-, that made my day for gestures but I still (against all my will) did a 1hr gesture tool after that

I decided today that I need to improve on faces, what sites and techniques do you guys recommend on face studies? =)
No more excuses, back for action and love

Some of the stuff I did recently, not in chronological order and didn't post everything, please check out my blog

First and only finished portfolio piece =(
[Image: finalaftercrits.jpg]

Crow Witch thingy WIP

This week's CHOW, couldn't finish it in time so still a WIP

and some anatomy , life drawing, portraits, environment and shit studies, mostly 2hrs

[Image: 22anatomy.jpg]

[Image: 15anatomy.jpg]

[Image: swampstudy+1.jpg]

[Image: 17valuestudy.jpg]

[Image: 22_01retrato.jpg]

[Image: portrait+study+17_12.jpg]

[Image: stilllife.jpg]

these are a series of portraits studies of friends of mine =) (1st one is my gf)

[Image: taisinha.jpg]

[Image: 19portrait+mainah.jpg]

[Image: gabiportrait.jpg]

morning anatomy stuff, reffed then from imagination

[Image: 29_01anatomy.jpg]

You have some real cool studies here! I especially like the last few portrait ones.
And I love the creature Design on the first page :)

Keep up the good work!

Wow, cool studies my friend. Your linework, light, color, I really dig it. The study of the ripped dude from musclehunks could need some more time. i also love the wispy thing in the swamp.


Please help me getting better by checking out my sketchbook

@lulolana Thanks alot! The creature design was for the monster hunter bloodsport and those last few portraits are from friends of mine, maybe that's why you liked em more since I got a connection with them haha

@flo Thanks man, maybe I should start putting some more work on my studies, I feel like I've been struggling to get on a finished level on my personal work, the ripped dude is so old I feel it's not worth coming back to it, but I definitely should try out some more of those since they're so good for anatomy (but still a bit awkward to paint haha). I'll try to wrap up those two characters this week, since they're both WIPs, but thanks alot again!

And an update on studies, did like 3 A3 pages of cubes and perspective tonight but I don't have a camera in hands right now, so I'll just be posting my afternoon study =)

Giuseppe de Ribera master study, trying to see how he did his brushstrokes; I'm actually doing another master study of him in oils, so I tryied to emulate his process digitally, gotta say I'm not completely happy with it though, and the colors seem wrong also D=

Some hand studies + from imagination I did in the morning, did some traditional stuff, that's why only that for today, no camera sorry =(

[Image: 30_01anatomy.jpg]

Wow, loving your sketchbook so far!
Seeing alot of improvement from your first posts to your current ones. Keep it up dude :)
@dana thanks for coming by =D

@Mig oh really man? thanks haha =D I feel like after I've put some more intense work in the last 4 months I've improved some, but it's always slow paced... T_T thanks alot and I will keep up :D

nailing those studies, awesome


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